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Spoken For Words

10 Years Ago

That weight you’ve placed upon your shoulders is going to crush you. Take it off. You don’t need to be perfect. You don’t need to have it all together. You don’t need to please everyone. You don’t need to be anything or anyone other than who you are. You are more than good enough. Who you are is beautiful. Who you are is loved. Who you are is special in more ways than one. Place that heavy burden on the ground. Throw it into the sea. Expel it from your being. You will be lighter in mind, body, and soul. Live in that freedom of the true you. "Spoken For" "Spoken For Words" Am I Okay? Did I need you to be there? Do I need you? There's a roller coaster of emotions and I'm on the ride. Spinning and twisting as I shoot through the ride. I'm going through the emotions right now a roller coaster of many ,emotions. Not knowing what to think. Say. Or do at this point. My mind can't wonder far my heart is numb and cold. My heart is as cold as ice. Im frozen my soul won't accept the acceptance of this ride. When this ride comes to a complete stop I will jump off and hopefully won't get back on it again. Spoken for- In truth and what I feel I know is real, and the grievance and acceptance. Accept what I cannot change, and wisdom to know the difference. Spoken for- lies and the twisted words behind it all, the cause of evil and the world. An evil storm over prevails but I won't let my soul be struck by it. I will be healed and carry the strength for others. Spoken for- Endurance in having knowledge and wisdom to understand . Spoken for- Loving myself and others... Spoken for- odds taking for granted. Lucky as the stars shine upon in the night sky, as moon shines and reality sinks and swerves in.. Never take anything for granted you're given things and everything is for a reason. Glaze upon the stars and count them, how many people could actually be looking at the same star as you? How many people can be going through what you are.