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Tears to Snow

10 Years Ago

No one fully understands heartbreak. Mainly because the things that end in heartbreak tend to be complex things. These complex things confuse people into believing heartbreak is equal in complexity. It isn’t.

    I have made my judgements based on heartbreak, and my judgement has been split into two parts.
part one: Tears
You’ve fallen in love. You were uplifted by this love of yours, only to be pushed over the edge with no one to catch you. You had the ability to  hear the wind in your ears, feel the horror sink deep into your skin, and remember every last memory before crashing mercilessly into whatever was beneath your broken heart. Along the way down, you cried. Because you knew how it felt to fall, to be caught. You loved the free fall, and the way you were neatly folded into the arms of something stronger. You lived for the fall, but you never thought one day you’d have to be your own ‘something stronger,’ so tears were foreign to you. You had to feel what it felt like to be alone in love. This, is the first stage of heartbreak. The uneasy hurt, the self hatred, and the endless ‘what ifs,’ will always be a part of brokenness.

part two: Snow
On the way down, you realize two things. Number one: it’s done. This love is gone, and it may and/or may not be completely your fault. Number two: What the hell is this? You will form a hatred for the love you thought would be kind, and begin to think of everything this love has done wrong in order to lighten your heavy heart. On the way down, your tears will turn to snow. You will not feel sorry for yourself, you will not be ok, and you will NOT think of love in the same innocent way. Once the snow hits the ground, everything freezes. Every tear that formed midair, is a reason for you to stop. It’s really over. This heartbreak, is over. It has left you stronger than any of the pavements, colder than the frozen sad, and taut as a rope.

    Heartbreak is blind. You will not know when you will crash, but you will know exactly how far above the ground you are when you are about to fall. You will constantly look down to see if you would be able to survive a fall from such heights, before moving upward. Once you’ve experienced heartbreak, you will set limitations.

Heartbreak will make you fear a crazy little thing called, love.