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Hello, all!10 Years AgoI actually have five complete books...well...five isn't exactly complete, but it's very close. I need some help getting them ready for publishing. So far I have been ditched by 2 good friends, one mother in law and seven betas. It's not that I'm cruel to them, but at the time I was in a bit of a hurry to get them published as I wanted to start them out by the end of 2013. Now, I have five books and not a lot of hope they're any good because of having been rejected 10 different times. So I was hoping maybe I could submit them a few chapters at a time and get some help. Book One (they do have titles, but I'm not releasing those as yet) has been run through ONE beta...and I have done proofreading and proofreading and more...well you get the point. So it's what I consider "ready to go." Book Two is where I lost that Beta. It hadn't had ANY formal work done, I hadn't even really proofread it myself. I typed out most of the first four books in the final six months of my dad's life, when I was extremely stressed out. So I'm sure they are packed with typos, grammatical errors, and quite possibly, inconsistencies, despite my having tried to keep them straight. The main thing is, I write mostly erotica and while this has some erotica-basis in the first book, I moved further away from that and more into science-fiction/romance as I went on. So I want to make sure this does not offend anyone, as I'm not sure who will be reading. The first bit of the first book is pretty, well, brutal, as it is about "pleasure" slavery in a very, very far distant future. So please, if you'll be offended do not read my submissions or alert me ahead of time and I'll not post them here. Thanks!!!
Re: Hello, all!10 Years AgoUse createspace. It's free, useful, and easy. Plus nobody gets rejected. Its a self publishing website to just get you started and get your books and name out there. Plus there are a lot of benefits and your book will be in the amazon store, createspace store, kindle store, and available for libraries and book stores to take and put out there. Also, once your books are in print a great idea is to purchase some copies (anywhere from 5 to 100. It is discounted for the author) and give them to local libraries, schools, and really anywhere that will take donations. It really helps so much to get the word out. Also, do a giveaway or a contest in which the winnder gets a free copy. Word of mouth is your best marketing tool and it is free! It just takes some hard work and when its all done it is oh so rewarding and certainly worth it!