Wordsmiths : Forum : So, what's your purpose in wor..

So, what's your purpose in wordsmithing?

17 Years Ago

Why is it that you're so fascinated with words, with the interlocking of punctuation and words? Do you try to persuade people to a certain point of view? Do you just want to evoke emotion in your readers, be it sadness, joy, or anger? Why do you put such emphasis on the hammering of words and punctuation together into a cohesive, flowing whole?

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I'm actually one of those guys you hear about. You know, the ones that are in love with their own voices. To me there is only one thing better than listening to myself read, hearing my voice lift, dip, flow, and noting the pauses and breathing in the punctuation. That one thing is probably listening to someone else do the same, and enjoy it as well.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Why do I write... hm. I've journaled quite a bit trying to figure out why. The best reason I could come up with is as follows.

I want to show people emotions and experiences that they may never get a chance to experience themselves. I want to show them how beautiful this world can be, and I want to show them how easy it is to hope and love. I want to cause them to think, and to be free of doubt and fear.

Basically. Plus, I just love seeing blank pages fill up with words. As in, the profile picture excites me. Haha. I adore writing. Truly.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Andre, I've never tried spoken word. I'm guessing by your post that you'd recommend it!

I plan on getting involved with the literary scene of downtown Athens, GA as soon as I get my license, which will be next week.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I believe writing was my first love and my first mistress. Its my default activity; my drug of choice. I've tried it all: poetry, prose, narrative, lyrics, playwrighting, screenwriting...there is just something magical about the right combination of words and moreso of inflection and syllables. Its like music...

I think communication is a lost art. People--especially in this country--seem to forget (or perhaps ignore) how powerful words can be.

I love being able to move people through storytelling--whether narrative or verse. It is a timeless form and can create spiritual bonds between people, especially culturally. The written word flowing from the proper hand has the unified voice of a thousand lost souls...

I once gave a speech in high school about how poetry is a form of communication: There is a message and a sender and a receiver. The final aspect of communication is the acknowledgement of the receipt of transmission--that the recipient somehow notifies the sender that they understand the message. In poetry, I think that last aspect is how the message inspires or moves the reader and what change it incites thereafter. A poem is like a letter of intent that is sent anonymously to a general populace.

Thanks for asking this question, I enjoyed pondering the answer

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Hey, yeah, I recommend the spoken word thing. There's something about live performance tha really brings your work to life, but also defines or solidifies it. There's an energy you get when you experience the audience's reaction to what you have to say. It can be exhilirating. Hope you get to check it out soon.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I hope to experience it soon as well! It won't be too much longer now, I imagine. I'll be getting my drivers license this week. Which is about time, seeing as how I am 18. But, hey, things come up.

I will keep y'all updated and let you know how it works out.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I to think that communication is somewhat of a lost art. Especially here in America. But it does make me happy to see many people on sites such as this one telling their stories. Granted, they aren't all the next greatest piece of American fiction, but to me, that doesn't really matter that much. Theres just something romantic to me about the idea of people having their own stories and their own voices to tell them in.

Nothing like it! Writing is beauty.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Yeah, I agree that not everything you find in these communities could qualify as quality reading material, but it IS more about the community than anything else. I know I enjoy reading some of the less polished stuff because growth and improvement are exciting. I like to be a part of that. Knowing that while I improve I can witness and even have a hand in helping others improve drives my participation in these online communities (some more than others mind you).

My only qualm is tha I have encountered too many yes-men. Either some people really have difficulty giving criticism and instead just give unconditional praise, or they are all a bunch of hacks that wouldn't know good literature if it inspired their favorite movie. Sorry, had to get that out. I hate apologizing for being honest when I give reviews because I was the only with the both the insight and the balls to say "This is not as good as you think it is..." Not that I'm all that fabulous--but I can't take more than I can dish.

Regardless, I am here to stay.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

There's also something to be said about hearing a story or poem recited by the author. As readers we may relate or appreciate, but the person that wrote it is feeling it. They know where the stresses should go, they know the rhythm, they truly know the purpose behind those words.