Wishing & Waiting : Forum : Visiting what you've always wa..

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Visiting what you've always wanted

12 Years Ago

Hi guys, I am not doing anything so I will start posting more stuff. If you could visit anyplace ever where would it be? ( doesn't have to be real )

Re: Visiting what you've always wanted

12 Years Ago

Originally posted by EJB
Hi guys, I am not doing anything so I will start posting more stuff. If you could visit anyplace ever where would it be? ( doesn't have to be real )

I'd go for... Narnia. Hogwarts. London. Uvaileona. Jomin. Yep. ;P

Re: Visiting what you've always wanted

12 Years Ago

Terabithia (from Bridge to Terabithia),Hogwarts would be awesome too!!