Wet Paint Forum Let's try this,
Re: Let's try this,14 Years AgoWhat beauty is encompassed in these hands, beyond the mortal scope of recognition.
Re: Let's try this,14 Years AgoXavier touched the girls face, almost sad for her... almost.
Re: Let's try this,14 Years AgoRemnants of a dark past came crashing down on her. Vivid imagery of when she was younger brought tears to her eyes. Father help me.. Don't leave me in this darkened room.. Please. Let me out.. They're coming for me..
Re: Let's try this,14 Years Ago"You!" Amy screamed.
Re: Let's try this,14 Years Ago(then suddenly) Zoom! ~~ Zabaglione yellowed xray walls viciously united, tossing strange rhythmic quasars, pushing outwardly ~ nursing magical labyrinth kaleidoscopes ~ jackknifing into halogenic globulous fairy earth-shaking dust ~~ cascading before an awestruck Amber, Amelia & Amy.