West Virginia Writers And Poets Workshop : Forum : Invitation to all West Virgini..

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Invitation to all West Virginia Writers

15 Years Ago

Dear Poets,

A complete disaster happened today. I lost all of Albert's Group by inadvertently pressing "Delete" instead of the "Update" button. I am so upset and so sorry poets. There is absolutely no way of retrieving the information would you believe. Once delete that's it, finis!

However, I never give up and have started another one will have our group running smoothly again God willing.

A thousand apologies. This will not affect the contests, they are still running, its the Forum that I am so devastated about because of all the lovely messages there and the ongoing "dueling' between Sal and Nancy with their wonderful Haiku and Cameos. Terribly sorry guys!

I will send out invitations to all whom I can think of and if you would all remind your friends that we are still here and to rejoin, Albert's Star will keep shining! At last count we had 188 members, I don't want to loose a single one of you. PLEASE REJOIN NOW!! We still have the same name "Albert's Poetry Cafe".

The link is:

Love and Light

Please note. I realise that some of you from my friends group are not members of Albert's Poetry Cafe, but now would be a good opportunity to invite you. So if you so wish please join, we would be happy to have you!

Don't forget please to spread the word that we "are down" but not "out"....!