West Virginia Writers And Poets Workshop
Call for Submissions: Barrelho..
Call for Submissions: Barrelhouse16 Years AgoCall for Submissions: Barrelhouse
ag.com/joomla/ index.php? option=com_ content&task= view&id=52& Itemid=2 Deadline September 12 (must be received by this date). Barrelhouse, a literary magazine with a pop-culture twist, seeks unpublished poetry, fiction and more.... Are you an optimist? Is the future so bright you simply gotta wear shades? Maybe, but what if that flash of light you're protecting your precious retinas from is really the first strike in a nuclear attack launched by robots who speak in monotone Austrian accents as they strive to wipe mankind off the face of the earth? Ever think of that? Barrelhouse, like any writer with a hint of an alcohol problem, both loves and dreads the future. But who cares what we think? What are your thoughts on the topic? Got a great story about what the world will be like in 2327? Got a super essay delineating why the hover board is not yet flying off the shelves of your local Toys R' Us? Got an amazing poem about what type of programming will dominate network television schedules in the next millennium? When it comes to writing about the future, the possibilities are virtually limitless. That's why our new contest is all about the future. We present The Barrelhouse Invitational: The Future. Send us your best writing (fiction, essays, or poems) on ANY topic related to the future and we'll give you our undivided attention. A quick note: Please keep in mind this is not exactly a sci-fi writing contest. That isn't to say we won't publish an awesome future-oriented sci-fi story if you've got one, but keep in mind Barrelhouse is a little more interested in people than in plot, in personal connections with ideas than in personal connections with crazy aliens who have three penises (though if you could effectively work that into an essay or story we'd love to read it).The future is about lots of things, including what might happen next week, with you and that bike messenger with the tattoo of Gary Coleman on his calf, or when your kids go to college, or when Ryan Seacrest is finally crowned King of America. Enter today at our fancy online submissions center (choose "the future" as genre). ag.com/submissio ns/ |