We the People
My Opinion
My Opinion15 Years Ago2-8-10
I'm glad I don't live in South Carolina, because then I would be a terrorist. Written into South Carolina Legislature today, the Subversive Activities Registration Act. Basically what this means is South Carolina has found a way to circumnavigate the First Amendment, the Right to Free Speech. If you live in S.C. and disagree with what the government is doing, you are required to register with the Secretary of State. It costs only $5, and you will be allowed to say whatever you want for as long as the state allows people to say whatever they want. If, however, you do not register, and someone overhears you critiquing any branch of the government and reports you, you face a $25,000 fine and 10 years in jail. Because you have not registered with the state, the state can arrest you without violating the First Amendment, because you have broken an established law. A nice little catch-22, no? I've read the code of laws and it has some pretty little phrases which ought to bore most of the plebeians into ignoring the entire thing. I liked section 23-29-30: the Effect on Freedom of Press or Speech :"Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorize, require or establish censorship or to limit in any way or infringe upon freedom of the press or of speech as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and no regulation shall be promulgated hereunder having that effect." So, in essence, everybody still has their right to free speech, right? Well, the definition provided for "Subversive Organization" is as follows: "...means every corporation, society, association, camp, group, band, political party, assembly, body or organization, composed of two or more persons,which directly or indirectly advocates, advises, teaches or practices the duty, necessity or propriety of controlling, conducting, seizing or overthrowing the government of the United States, of this State or any political subdivision thereof by force or violence or other unlawful means." This of course is in direct contradiction to the Declaration of Independence which states "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." This is important to me due to the fact that our (being a United States citizen I refer to "our" as my country of nationality) foreign policy is isolationist in nature. Our military currently occupies over 130 countries. Our economy is fueled by greed, causing division among the masses for the profit of the banksters. Note: Our national debt will never be paid off, as the Federal Reserve Bank is a private bank loaning money to the United States at interest. Our government spends more money hiring Police forces and building prisons than it does improving education. And we have had the same administration in power since the Reagan era. Neo-conservatives have blatantly sought the dissolution of the Bill of Rights, the U.S. Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence, all for the good of the country. There is no free market anymore, and the political arena is a joke. The police, FBI, and CIA all have turned on the populace seeking to quell any hint of uprising. And the media serves as nothing but a advocate for the establishment, dishing up such tripe as "reality T.V" and "News you can Trust." ---work in progress--- |
Re: My Opinion15 Years Ago*growls* Everywhere I turn I see stories about things like this. It frustrates me, because I feel powerless to stop it. I look around and see all these un-constitutional changes and feel like we the people are being ignored. How can one stop a government that has become deaf to us?
Re: My Opinion14 Years Agoi do believe its not that the government is deaf to us, its that we the people are deaf to the government. hmmm. let me elaborate? here in Australia, we are blessed in thinking that we are in the best country in the world. but we are spoon fed so much - our newspapers, our television programs, or radio stations - everything that we watch, read and hear is manipulated before it reaches us. our opinions, as a collective, are created for us, manufactured even. so we agree with it - we support a war that we know barely anything about, we condemn asylum seekers whose real story we will never know, we judge our indigenous people on the white opinion of the newspapers and never hear the opinion from the other side.
oh Australia, what happened? im sure circumstances are similar in the States? once we learn to deporgramme ourselves and chose to do the research to make up our own minds on things that are way too serious to ignore, the possibility to make noise so loudly that the government can no longer ignore us will sound like a revolution. |