We Don't Drink : Forum : What are your reasons for not ..

What are your reasons for not drinking?

15 Years Ago

The reason I do not drink is not because I feel God will shun me or judge me. Drunkenness is a sin, yes. But Human's sin and make mistakes.
I do not drink as a choice for me for the better of me. Not only do I not drink because my medical state won't permit it,
but because my family has had it's share of alcoholics and I know from first hand experience what it can do.
it doesn't appeal to me and never has, and even if it did, I still wouldn't due to my health.
What are your reasons?

Re: What are your reasons for not drinking?

15 Years Ago

my reasons? let me see...
1. my dad had liver cancer (not from alcohol though) and drinking causes that. I never want any of my family have to go through that again.
2. well, DUR!! how many of you have ever worn those drunk goggles? who would want to be drunk? you can't see, speak, or think right!

Re: What are your reasons for not drinking?

15 Years Ago

oh yeah, one more thing, I'm under age. so even if i wanted to drink (which i wouldn't) i couldn't

Re: What are your reasons for not drinking?

14 Years Ago

It's not so much of a moral thing, my reasons for not drinking.
My uncle - an uncle who loved me very much - was an alcoholic. He started drinking about the same year my mother was born, when he was fourteen. He kept drinking, drinking more, more, and more. He wouldn't stop. Diabetes runs strong within our family. The only people I know of that don't have it are my generation, my great-grandmother, and my mother. Considering a family of 300, it's not much.
My uncle's diabetes and alcoholism ended up with him without both of his legs and in a wheelchair before he was 50.
A year ago, my uncle passed away peacefully in his sleep when he was 58.
That's too young to die. My uncle is my motivation to not drink, or to at least not the get hooked on drinking and not let myself get drunk.
I won't end up in a wheelchair. If I do, it's when I'm 70 at the least.

Re: What are your reasons for not drinking?

14 Years Ago

I also have many family members who are addicted to alcohol and other things. I love them, and it's hard to see them slowly dying away because of their addiction. I know that they do it to make themselves feel better, but they don't realize that they're hurting everyone else by their actions.  I know that I can have fun without drinking and if I'm having a hard time, I will eventually get through it. I can have just as much fun and act just like them without alcohol, so why drink??