Warriors of Arc : Forum : Tarra: Arcadia Academy

Re: Tarra: Arcadia Academy

11 Years Ago

Enki: "I suppose," I say then chuckle, "This is going to be interesting to watch..."

Re: Tarra: Arcadia Academy

11 Years Ago

"yeah it is" *turns head sideways a bit* "shouldn't you be in class?"

Re: Tarra: Arcadia Academy

11 Years Ago

Enki: I chuckle and roll my eyes, "yes sir." I say a bit sarcastically and wave as I head off to class.

Re: Tarra: Arcadia Academy

11 Years Ago

*jaso walked to his masters room and watched him teach through the window on the door*

Re: Tarra: Arcadia Academy

11 Years Ago

Enki: I sit down in class and listen to the teacher. Esen: Enki had told me to be good in school and then to meet him in from of the academy when I was finished with my earth classes.

Re: Tarra: Arcadia Academy

11 Years Ago

*Walks in to the Gym* " hello master" *bows to his master*

Re: Tarra: Arcadia Academy

11 Years Ago

Enki: When class ends I head out to the front of the school to get Esen. She was starting her classes at the academy soon but for now she was going to a human school to just learn the basics in education. I spot her sitting underneath a tree and sigh. She looked so much like mom... "Esen..." I say smiling as I approach, "I heard you went to the homeland." I raise an eyebrow as her face masks over. No doubt she was trying to think of an excuse. "I... uh" she stammered then she stood and continued my seriously, "It was the anniversary of mom and dad's death. Of the downfall. I thought it would be appropriate to go and pay my respects to the dead." I shake my head, "That could have been dangerous. Mom and Dad wouldn't want you to throw your life away for such a silly matter." I state as I wrap my arm around her shoulders and steer her toward the car, "Just be more careful next time, and when you meet your master. Make sure you address him properly."

Re: Tarra: Arcadia Academy

11 Years Ago

"young jaso, i'm glad you could make it" said jaso's master
"well i thought you could use some help, master" said jaso as he quick changed into his training suit

Re: Tarra: Arcadia Academy

11 Years Ago

Esen: Enki drove us home were I went straight to the back of the house were we had set up a small but effective training room.

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