Wallingford Writers Community : Forum : Novel Writing Workshop on POV

Novel Writing Workshop on POV

13 Years Ago

Hi Everyone, I just received this notice of a Novel Writing Workshop on POV in Middletown: It is the same day as our next meeting but earlier--we could change ours to another date if enough people want to go and think it is too tight to try to make both...post your response to the group please. Thanks KarenL   ----------
Elements of Style: A Novel Writing Workshop
The Buttonwood Tree
605 Main Street, Middletown, CT
Saturday, November 20th from 1-3
Only $20!
Registration required

How many times have you found yourself struggling with point of view, limited by
that first person narrative perspective, or dizzied by that third person
omniscience in which you tend to jump from head to head? What’s more effective,
present tense or past tense? When writing dialogue, how natural should it be to
everyday speech, and how do you know when your characters talk too much? When is
description too much description? In this hands-on workshop, we'll answer these
questions and more!

Seating is limited. Contact The Buttonwood Tree at 860-347-4957 or email
[email protected] to register!

Re: Novel Writing Workshop on POV

13 Years Ago

As tempted as I am to go to the Novel Writing Workshop on POV, I think it is important to keep the momentum of our group going. I will be attending the Wallingford Writers Community meeting on Nov. 20.

Re: Novel Writing Workshop on POV

13 Years Ago

Sorry Chris, but unless someone else wants to take a turn at being moderator I am going to have to move the next meeting to Dec. 4th, KarenL