WTF What If We All Met.... : Forum : hey y'all wtf'rs

hey y'all wtf'rs

17 Years Ago

lots of people are submitting work for publication this summer...quite nice!

i am pooped from the parrying

all things in moderation i suppose

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Always a great thing to hear.

Topics, people.


Anyone I know submitting anytime soon?

I plan to.

Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

i want to be published
i do, seriously
and not in damn adobe either
ok who need a ciggie to write?
i have a crappy radiostation on blogtalk if anyone is interestred in it
i know i no longer am
i have a voice for text

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Camping someplace south while it's still warm is a great idea.

Sometime within the next month or so would be awesome!

Ideas on how we can get this shindig goin strong?

Hawksmoor...From The Bleed.