VIP Role Play Forum Act 1
Act 18 Years AgoZeb walked into the giant mansion looking for a certain someone for his mission.
Act 18 Years AgoCedric saw the strange guy walk into the mansion and being the curious person he is he started to follow him. Until Cedric accidentally tipped causing him to make a loud thud behind the man.
Act 18 Years AgoAs zeb walked down the long hall he heard a thud behind him his first instinct was to turn around pull out his weapon. He looked around and didn't see anyone until he looked down. He saw a young boy with black hair lying on the ground. Zeb quickly put his weapon away and immediately into questioning. "Why hello kind young sir who might you be?" He said lending hand to help him up.
Act 18 Years AgoGrabbing the mans hand to help get up he replied to the question "My name is Cedric the youngest butler in this whole mansion" He said as he brushed of some dust on his clothing "and I'm not a good one too" He mentioned.
Re: Act 18 Years Ago"If you are the youngest that must mean you've been born into this position haven't you so is it your dad who is a butler?" Zeb kindly asked. They both stood in the hall.
Act 18 Years Ago"No actually my dad was the head wizard my mom is a cook in the kitchen" Cedric responded as he started to walk down the hall.
Act 18 Years Ago"he WAS the head wizard so then what is he know? If you don't mind me asking" Zeb started to walk with the boy taking every turn he made to continue talking to him hoping to find out more about his missions objective"
Act 18 Years Ago"He's dead. It's ok though I barely knew him he spent most of his time making potions than making a father and son relationship." Cedric Started to stare at the ground.
Re: Act 18 Years AgoAngel walks down the stairs of the mansion quietly seeing Cedric and this strange man talking. She crouches down in the stairwell to listen to them.
Re: Act 18 Years Ago"I'm terribly sorry for your lose but, I have came here looking for someone by the name of Mr. Mist" Zeb asked where he was.
Act 18 Years Ago"Mr. Mist was my father! And I'm tired of people coming here to look for him! So just leave!" Cedric shouted in the mans face running of into the mansion.
Act 18 Years Ago"What have I done I should have just asked for cedrics help in the mission instead of his fathers, besides how was I supposed to know his father was dead." Zeb paced back and forth in frustration how was he going to get help know.