Underground Writers Network : Forum : Free Proofread, Anyone?

Free Proofread, Anyone?

10 Years Ago

Greetings, all! I’m Loregon, and I am a freelance proofreader. I am in the process of expanding my resume and would like to add nonfiction to my experience. I will proofread a chapter of anything you are currently writing at no charge.   Materials should be no shorter than ten pages and no longer than thirty pages. I will return pages to you with corrections within 72 hours. I can indicate corrections either on Microsoft Word using the Track Changes feature or on a hard copy.   In exchange, I ask that you allow me to add your name and the title of your work to my resume. I will not plagiarize your work or share it with anyone else.   Deal?  

Re: Free Proofread, Anyone?

10 Years Ago

do assist with writing novels? I need help getting started on my first novel.

Re: Free Proofread, Anyone?

10 Years Ago

HAI. I'd like you to please do my Eleven Crowns story so far. Thanks in advance! :)