Underground Writers Network Forum Is you mind like mine?
Is you mind like mine?17 Years AgoHi, is your mind like mine?
My mind- constantly thinking about the characters in my stories and constantly daydreaming up new ideas. I'm a daydreamer, a writer and a reader. the only time my mind is not thinking about my fictional characters is when I'm sleeping. But then my mind is making up new fictional situations and happenings. Does anyone else have a mond like this? I can't be the only one |
[no subject]17 Years Agohaha yea that sounds very much like me! right now i should be doing my hw but i cant help but logg onto here and write some more. i've even thought about buying a tape recorder b.c my mind flies from one situation to the next i cant write it all down.
[no subject]17 Years AgoSandy suggestion on tape recorder. friend of mine finally purchased voice activated mini recorder for her husband so he could stop trying to find paper to record his thoughts and just speak into the recorder. might be great fit for you.