Twilight's Disciples : Forum : England Today

England Today

15 Years Ago

Even if you are not a resident in this country, feel free to express your views about it. What does it mean to you, if anything? How has it changed, over recent years? Any other opinions about England, perhaps?



[no subject]

15 Years Ago

When I heard that Merrie Englande's socialized healthcare system is broken so badly that some of its patients are resorting to pulling their own teeth, I admit I was rather glad that my forebears had packed their bags and gone on a little trip across the Atlantic. It's sad to see what used to be a thriving country now in a bad state, having apparently lost so much of its independence and creativity--particularly when, of my varied European ancestries, the English part is the one I've always felt closest to. Possibly because, in many ways, I fit the (stereo-?)type of the quiet, calm, scholarly, historically minded Briton, and have always wanted to cultivate a donnish streak.

[no subject]

15 Years Ago

You know what I'm going to say, right, Julian?!

England has forgotten who she is. And now we're the backwater of Europe. (For the record, I'm NOT European, I'm either British or English.)

I don't know, its like at some point, England got scared and started hanging around the bigger kids and in doing so, she lost her identity. In an attempt to be multi-cultural, the English culture has been wiped out. I mean, we don't celebrate St George's Day, or take the same pride in our flag-you'll only see it when the football is on. It's like it's almost wrong to be proud of being English-the ethnic groups in this country might find it racist, so we just shove it under the carpet. And it isn't fair.

I'm all for the big Hindu celebrations we have round our way, and the Islamic holidays/traditions. I'm cool with the Irish staggering out of the pub on St Patrick's Day. So why aren't we allowed our heritage?

They don't even teach it in our schools. I know kids who don't know what the Magna Carta is, they've never heard of King Harold or know ANYTHING about our rich cultural heritage. It's heart breaking. This country has a beautiful and colourful history and we're ignoring it. And it's all so we don't look racist.

So we don't care anymore. We've become a nation of larger drinking, footie-watching, loud-mouthed, obese and teenage parents, all scamming the social because we're too lazy to work. And that's if we can get jobs as all the ones Gordon 'Moron' Brown promised to the people were all snapped up by EU immigrants.

I'm no patriot because I've seen what we've become. But when I think back to the time of the Spanish Armada, the building of beautiful Cathedrals and the way we all mucked in during WW2... I can't help but feel pride.