Top 20 Music Chart : Forum : Chart Help/About

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Chart Help/About

12 Years Ago

The Writer's Cafe Chart is a chart that runs every week based on twenty songs here on this group. And I have to say this first: This chart is the first in Writer's Cafe! These songs could be chosen by you or otherwise randomed. I know some people are new to the music chart, so I am going to make it short and simple. 

↠ If you see a song you like on the chart and you want to push it up, just reply the current chart's thread with: "Push -Song Name- up the chart!" or "Push -Song Name- down the chart!" 

↠ The chart would also like you to add your own song to the list, which must be in English and recent. However, you can only add one song, and it will be added straight into the bubbling under chart. 

↠ These two actions are needed. (Pushing a song/down AND adding in a new song to the bubbling under chart)

↠ The changing places of songs will be in effect on the NEXT chart. 


↠ The bubbling under chart is where your added songs are, and where they will be unless people vote for them to be added onto the chart. 

↠ For a song to be added onto the chart, it must need a total of 3 votes by 3 different people (not including yourself). Votes by the same person on the next chart will NOT be counted

↠ With that, the 20th placed song on the chart will be removed. If the 20th song is pushed up during that week, the next week's no. 20 spot will go out of the chart. 

↠ If there is more than one song added onto the chart from the bubbling under chart, the 19th place will go off for the first song, while the 20th place will go off for the second song. 

↠ Also, it will be changed with effect of the next chart. 

↠ However, a song that stays in the bubbling under chart for more than 3 weeks, will be instantaneously removed on the release of the next chart. 


↠ Currently, me, B30 is the only moderator of this chart. If any of you would like to become a moderator, you must do inbox me and tell me why. You also need to be active, with a good dose of music across all genres and be sociable


↠ If you have anything you'd like to add, inbox me anytime! I'd like to hear from you! 

Have fun here in this group and thank you as we all talk about music