To Write is to Live (Active) Forum Sunrise
Sunrise2 Months AgoPrompt: "Sunrise."
Re: Sunrise2 Months AgoThere's nothing more beautiful than the light after the dark and surviving another day after brushing shoulders with death. That's what he thinks when he sits on the cliff edge to watch the rising light of the sun, peeking over the horizon. The dagger is no longer clenched in his hand, set off to the side, and the blood finally has the time to dry on his clothes and skin. Behind him, a cave has gone silent, no longer filled with the moaning of the monsters he was sent here to hunt. It was meant to be one, but that "one" monster turned into two, three, seven, and the moon turned over by the time he got out alive. The sun brings pink and orange, reflecting across fluffy clouds, celebrating his victory. He smiles, lips pale and complexion becoming pallid. His body sways like a feather in the wind. That feather tips, gently floating down into the sea below. It touches the water with a silent ripple, leaving only a dagger to watch the sun rise into the sky, as it greets a new day.
Re: Sunrise2 Months AgoUnarmed and alone, this fighter still has his keen senses; and suddenly turns his head. He's not sure, but he thinks that there's a curious heavy breathing sound, just a short distance from where he has been dangling his legs; carefree and free from injury (over the cliff edge).
At first, he assumes that it could be just a wild boar; or some wandering livestock from a nearby farm. However, he knows that no farms are nearby; no boar have been sighted in the area for generations.
It isn't long, before a clear answer is given; suddenly and violently. He's still sitting down, and feels a strong pair of arms; pull him roughly backwards by the shoulders. At the same time, that snorting returns with a vengeance.
The next moment, that noble hunter feels hot breath; at the base of his neck. But, can only try and twist and turn; feebly trying to break free from a firm pair of heavy hands. Then suddenly, he gets lucky; and his attacker's grip slackens upon his right shoulder.
That might not seem like much, but it gives the warrior a chance. So, he uses it; quickly praising himself up into a standing position. And, then turns to face his opponent. The sight of him, sends a momentary chill down his spine.
What greets the startled eyes of our warrior, is a monstrosity standing slightly over six feet tall. Despite the superficially human shape, it transpires that this creature has the head and neck of a bull. The creature snorts defiantly, and takes a stance.
That fell beast, stands assertively, feigning to the left and right; as if trying to put our hero off his guard. But, what is the creature? I suspect that it's King Vitrion, the Minotaur ruler of those cave monsters; which members of his tribe had sent him to seek and kill in the caves.
Snorting more loudly now, the king of those local cave dwelling monsters; raises what appears to be a scimitar in it's right hand. So, our hero regrets throwing away his dagger 🗡️ so readily; on just the previous afternoon.
He has to think quickly, but what can be done in the heat of the moment? Fortunately, it just so happens; that the cliff edge is still very nearby. And, he happens to be wearing a sturdy leather belt.
With one swift movement, the belt is unbuckled; as our brave warrior whilst it away from his waist. Then reaches forward and over the head of the minotaur with it; before giving a strong tug. This catches the creature's two long horns, sprouting proudly from it's head.
Despite the creature's superior strength, our hero has the advantage of surprise; and the creature drops that scimitar from it's right hand. It bounces off a nearby rock, with a metallic clang; bouncing it over the cliff edge..
Seizing the moment, our brave fighter; rushes to finish this clash of warriors. Ignoring the snorts and hot panting breath of the creature, he gives just one mighty pull of his leather belt; and then steps to one side.
The force of our hero's pull, is enough to drag that minotaur over the cliff edge, with one mighty heave; into the sea and oblivion. "What a way to greet the morning sunrise", thinks our hero to himself....