Those Who Love Chocolate : Forum : WELCOME


16 Years Ago

Hi I'm Danni! and this is like a welcome thingy that all the other groups have. Here you can talk about anything (chocolate related if you want to.) or what ever is on your mind lol.



[no subject]

16 Years Ago

I love chocolate and chocolate loves me.

It's been a big part of my life since I was three

A cookie here and a candy bar  there

Gaining some weight?  I didn't care.

I love the sweet taste as it melts on my tongue

Sometimes I lick it just for fun

Oh how I love those delicious tasteful treats

shaped like bunnies, turtles and things that tweet

Oh chocolate your one of my closest friends

You won't add on the pounds

the very thought simply offends

I will defend


to the end

my sweet confectionary friend.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

lol i like that, it's catchy

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16 Years Ago

Thank you.


You have just met the biggest junk food junkie in the world.  I think you inspired me. 

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16 Years Ago


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16 Years Ago


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16 Years Ago

HEY! lol

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Hello. I figured i shuld say hello! I am one of Chocolate's biggest fans and I have been neglecting it. How rude of me! ~Reeses~