This Is Our Passion : Forum : Assignment #2

Assignment #2

17 Years Ago

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I've been so absent in the group lately. A very hectic holiday schedule has kept me from my writing and this site. Anyway, I thought it would be good to get back into the groove with a new assignment. So here it is:

Write about whatever is on your mind right now in this moment. Whether it's a song running through your head, something you are stressing about, or just random thoughts. Put it together however you would like, even if it's just a stream of consciousness piece. Submit it on the group site and I look forward to reading them all!


[no subject]

17 Years Ago

refs just have to be the stupidest people in the whole world.
have they even played the sport that they ref for? probally not since it was invented. they are all so old and so fat and have no idea whats going on. they make a bad call and decice "ooh this is fun" and off they go. bad call after bad call doing everything in their will to make the suckier team win. the cleanest stuff you will ever see is called as a foul just because they are getting on in years and can't see that well anymore. they need to get their eyes checked. they need to get some new glasses-or how about this they just retire. these refs are extremely over weight and can't hear very well. some of them should be in a nursing home. i really despise them... yes every once in a while you will get a good ref who actually KNOWS how to play the game and they actually help... but most of the time they just screw you over.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Is WoRd TaG still pending approval?