This Is Our Passion : Forum : Welcome!


18 Years Ago

So I finally decided to create my own group. I know there are a lot of groups on here now, but I hope that this one can be different and inventive. If anyone ever has any ideas on what you would like to see in the group, just let me know.

Also, I have it set so that all members have to be approved, so if anyone has someone that they wanted to invite, let me know so that they will be approved. I don't want to pretend that we're super exclusive or anything, I just want to feel like the group has some intimacy and we actually know each other.

We can start by introducing ourselves on this thread. When you join, just give a quick hello to the group and maybe add a few random facts that people on the site might not know about you from your writing. I hope this can be a place that we get to know each other by our work and who we are behind the words.

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Hi all. Really like the concept of this group. Looking forward to interacting.

3 things about me not known from my writing? Hmmmmmm......

My home planet is...oh wait, the CIA said I'm not supposed to reveal that information...something else then...

I love to cook (even foods I can't stand to eat)

It is an ambition to one day play in the World Series of Poker (when I learn that it's usually not a good idea to bet all your money with a 7 as your high's a slow learning process)

I am a big time cat lover.

There, don't think any of those can be gleaned from my writing. Though I do have an idea for a cookbook bouncing around in my head that is bound to come out at some point. But, at least for now...

Anywho, excuse my rambling, it's almost 1 in the morning, and I've been up since 3:30 yesterday morning, just a tad bit loopy at the moment. I'm gonna be going now. See everyone around. Or at least see your words :o)

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Hey everyone!

Random fact... there are a lot, but here are three random ones!

My eyes change color, yes I know wierd! They notably go from being blue to green to gray!

I have a pug of which whom I call beast! But I am away at university, so he is back home :'( I miss him to bits!

::tongue:: I am drawing a total blank right now! I am so bad at describing myself! Umm...... I like random things and doing random things!


[no subject]

18 Years Ago

So I realized I asked people to tell me random things about themselves, and then I didn't even tell any about me! So here are a few:

I still have one of my baby just never fell out and the dentist said they would have to do surgery to fix it so I said NO!

I'm obsessed with birthdays...mine or anyone else's. I just love that we can take a day to celebrate ourselves and our friends, and I always try to make sure people have the best birthdays. It's only once a year that you get a day all about you!

I'm scared of butterflies. Weird, I know, but they taste with their feet, have a curled tongue, and their wings are all is that NOT scary?

Oh, and I'm with Emily on my eyes changing colors. They are usually green or blue, but sometimes they are grey and one time they were almost gold which was really weird.

:) Kira

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

I like the feel of all of this. A bit more personal. Although just so everyone knows my visiting of the site has been quite sporadic sporadic as of late. I'm trying to find my footing again. Perhaps this will help.

Some random things about me? I'm not sure if anything is random...

I like to hike.
I am still a fan of Mr. Bean, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and especially LEGO!
I eat a lot of fruit.
I have never been forced to read a book.

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Ditto for me on the eye thing as well! Though it's not an overly frequent occurance. Go from gray blue to brighter shades of blue, or to a greenish color. The gray blue is most natural for me.

And butterflies are NOT scary...they're cool. And lots pretty. Except that I am a bit creeped out about the whole tasting with their feet thing. It's something I had heard before, but it never really registered in my brain. Now it did when I considered what we as humans would be tasting if we tasted with our feet. THANKS A LOT for that thought ::tongue::

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

I not only still have a baby tooth but I still have baby TEETH. That's right, two on the lower set. For some reason, nothing ever grew under them, so they're still in there, and I intend to keep them until they rot out.

I'm guessing the lack of tooth growth (as hard to say as it is to type) was probably because at a certain point in my younger years, I saw an episode of Sesame Street that showed where milk came from and I was so grossed out by it that I refused to drink it for years. I'm now trying to make up for lost time.

I can only drink coffee at work. I don't know why. At home, I rarely do, and sometimes when I'm out and there's a Wawa nearby and I'm in the mood, I'll get a cup, but pretty much every day at work, I drink 2 cups.

I think any songs where words being spelled out is used as the bridge and the chorus should be outlawed (I'm lookin' at you, Fergie---your song needs to go away NOW, it's awful and it drives me nuts and I can't not listen because it finds me, oh it finds me...).

I get kinda kooky late at night. Time to go fold laundry.

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Random facts about Me.

I am a beauty school drop out. I play guitar, bass and drums. I also sing.

I am married with 2 sons and 1 daughter. My wife lives in Philadelphia and I live in Chicago. It works out that way. Right now I am un-employed, so you could accurately call me a starving artist. Well, I felt like a starving artist even when I was employed. I work in the computer industry. Software support and systems administration. If you hear of a job opening let me know.

Poetry is my writing forte. I find it hard to get past 1 or 2 chapters when writing prose.

I used to be a born again Chistian for 20 years. But since 2001, I consider myself agnostic. I think religion is one of, if not the major, cause of problems with mankind.
I don't like bleeding heart liberals. I also don't like right wing wackos. So I guess you could say I am politically middle-of-the-road.
I think I'm hooked on the internet. Besides my page here on Writer's Cafe, you can find me on myspace ( and at my blog ( and also spinning music on my B Side (

I like people and I want to meet you. Come over and visit.

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Hahah yes other people with wierd color changing eyes! It was funny because my biology teacher in high school used to say it was impossible for your eyes to change color after being a new born! But , my eyes used to be a scarily bright saffire blue, and then they became more green when I was 6 or 7. And well now they shift i guess depending on the light... and maybe my mood.

And oh yes LEGO and the teenage ninja turtles so do still rock! hahahaha! oh to be a kid again lmao! ::tongue::

And come to think of it, butterflies are oddly creepy. Could you imagine tasting things with you feet!? Ewwwww! Now there is something I could have gone I life time without thinking about! That would be like dragging our tongue on the ground everywhere you walk! ::confused::

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Yeah, and people always are so happy when a butterfly lands on them...but really it's TASTING YOU!!! And then, if it decides you're tasty, it UNCURLS (so gross) its nasty tongue and sucks your taste up. All while flapping those gross powdered wings. Ew, they're so freaky.

And I was a big Ninja Turtles fan too. I actually just bought the box set of the movies. The early 90s were awesome.

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Hahahah omg now that you put it that way butterflies are freaking creepy!!!!! hahhaa I always found moths the creepy ones, all fuzzy and flying around in hordes at night!

Hahah good old ninja turtles, they were the s**t when I was a kid! that and x-men! when I was little I used to proclaim that i was "The real leonardo" hahahahaha!!! I was 3 years old or something... I also used to strap a pillow to my back and pretent I was a turtle! HAHAHAHA!!! oh my I was wierd even then!

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

One thing I'll never forget: Seeing the first TMNT movie on the night that it opened. Totally awesome! I was 11 at the time and the theater was sold out. And the movie played like gangbusters. People cheering and yelling at all the right parts. Something I'll never forget. The animated series was pretty awesome too. So many good memories of that time...

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

I'm pretty psyched I could bring up all of these old memories for you all regarding TMNT.
When I was seven I spent hours and hours everyday drawing TMNT comics.
That first movie was quite fantastic. It actually holds up well enough. The Jim Henson turtle suites are great.

And just an FYI I plan on doing the assignment tomorrow. Just haven't had the focus! Grrr...

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

I love how we all love TMNT!! hahaha! the movies rock! I believe back home I have one of the movies lying around... When I go home I have to go watch it! Oh yes me and the turtles need to do some catching up!

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Let's see
I love love love MUSIC!!!!!!! Anything that has a tune.
I like to write
I like to read (Even though somtimes I don't read for months)
I like to go biking
thats about most of my favorite things to do.

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

My mother still has a huge box filled with all my TMNT action figures (turtles were my GI Joes)...I'm going home for a visit next week. Because of this conversation, I think I'm going to have to sit and play with them for a few hours...or days lol

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Sweet! I never had any of the action figures, but my mom helped my sister and I make TMNT costumes. Then after it rained we would go outside and stomp around the in puddles and pretend we were in the sewers!

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

I still have many of my Turtle toys packed away... I did give quite a few away but I still have a good batch along with X-Men, Jurassic Park, Ronin Warrior and other such toys.
I spent most of my money on Lego though.