Therapeutic Writing for the Soul Forum Hello all! Let's get to know e..
Hello all! Let's get to know each other.8 Years AgoI'm new to Writer's Cafe and looking to just take the negative thoughts rolling around in my head put them on paper and get them out of my mind. I'm not a perfect writer but feel that with practice I will become a lot better. Tell me what brought you to Writer's Cafe. :)
Re: Hello all! Let's get to know each other.7 Years AgoHello, I am brand new to the Writers Cafe, I found your group and thought it looked appropriate. I am not really a writer, more a blogger, but want to branch out, so I came here.
I hope to learn and grow. Thank you, |
Re: Hello all! Let's get to know each other.7 Years AgoHello, I'm also new here. Since I see my writing as a therapeutic process, this seemed like the perfect group for me. I look forward to reading your writing.
Re: Hello all! Let's get to know each other.7 Years AgoHello, I'm new to the Cafe and an amateur writer at best. I have had a love of words since I was a child and throughout my life it has kept me sane. Hopeful with the outlet and help from other writers I can better myself and hopefully touch those around me. Best regards,
Re: Hello all! Let's get to know each other.7 Years AgoHey. I'm (supposedly) a gifted writer, as my entire family has said so. I intend to follow this path.
However, there is darkness in me which I feel the need to expel before I can make that happen.
I have never known true care, true understanding, or true compassion. I have never known the warmth and welcomeness of a shoulder to lean on, nor have I ever been blessed with the ability to relax. I have few friends, far too much lost innocence, and a burden on my shoulders comparable to that of Atlas. I joined this group so that I may finally rest this burden, and maybe even feel after eight years.
Re: Hello all! Let's get to know each other.7 Years AgoHi!
I am so excited to be a member in this group. Dealing with the stresses of school as well as a recent breakup, you can expect a lot of thoughts and feelings being projected out of me. I hope to be able to write my feeling down, or rather type them, so that I can relieve them from my mind. I look forward to getting to know you all! :) Please feel free to message me whenever, or ask questions! -Spencer |
Re: Hello all! Let's get to know each other.7 Years AgoHi! I am an Israeli clinical psychologist and a family therapist specializing in children play therapy (re my book Children's Imaginative Play - a Visit to Wonderland). I write stories with children and parents that have to deal with various difficulties , e.g. divorce, social rejection, trauma, fears, etc. I draw my materials from children's play in and out of the clinic and use the storie for therapeutic purposes. I'd like to submit my stories to this forum for reviews. How can I do it? Shlomo Ariel
Re: Hello all! Let's get to know each other.7 Years AgoI'm new to WritersCafe. I journal almost daily, which is a therapeutic exercise. I write personal essay, monologue, poetry and an array of other things. I look forward to reading and reviewing the writing here, as well as sharing my own.