The night of the vampire (Role play) : Forum : Living room

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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: "No! I'm anything but alright! I was just turned involinarily into a blood-sucking killer by another killer! How in the world could I be alright?" I exclaim.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "Hey ok just calm down. Your a newborn I see. Know that all of us felt weird about the transformation." I say putting a hand on her shoulder.----Laurel- I remove Chases hand from her shoulder. "She needs help in coping with this Chase. Not to just calm down and go with it." I say. "And besides you didn't even ask her name." I say looking at the girl smiling a bit.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- *can't re post on the lake* I go out to the lake and find a wooden boat. I row it out a little ways into the lake then i look up at the full moon and the stars twinkleing like little diamonds.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I look up at the girls "Keira." I tell them, heart no longer racing quite so much "My name is Keira."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I sit perched on one of the branches of an oak tree right above the lake, breathing in the fresh air, feeling the cold wind around me. It was times like this when I most wanted to feed- other than smelling the fear.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "Well Keira I know your not comfortable with all this, but it will get better." I say trying to really be helpful.-----Laurel- "And there are good people here that can help you whenever you need it. Know that if you need anything you can come find me or Chase."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: As I look into the girl's eyes, an image of the boy who had changed me, his eyes the same color, just darker, pops into my mind. I let out a wimper and wrap my arms around myself, telling myself he isn't here, that I'm safe from him, for now.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- I groan. "Ah what'd you do Laurel?" I say looking at the girl.----Laurel- "It's not that I did anything. She's just probably still a lil afraid of what we are. And I don't blame her. We are just beasts now. Some of us kind and some cruel. But still all of us are beasts." I say sadly then look at Keira. "But you look like your afraid of someone. Who?" I ask.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: "It wasn't y'all, I promise." I assure them "It's-it's the one who changed me." I shudder "I don't know his name, but he scares me out of my mind." I look down "He won't leave me alone, and he keeps going on about my eyes, and he makes me feel like his prey." I tell them.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I leap down next to her and straighten slowly as she startles, "It's fear he's after. Don't give into your fear and he will not frighten you as much. The fear makes it much harder to resist feeding." I lay a hand on her shoulder, giving her a small smile, "Just remember: not everyone hates being this way. I do not like being a vampire on occasion but I don't regret my choice."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I look up at her "Choice. I didn't have a choice." I look down into the water, a reflection nonexistant. A tear falls into the lake, sending ripples through the lake. "I had a family, friends, admittedly few, but they were dear." I choke back a sob "I-I had a boyfriend, a fiance-" I feel the tears begin to flow "We were going to get married as soon as we could, in springtime. Now, I'll never see him again." I look up at her "If I'd had a choice, I'd rather eventually die happy, than live forever miserable. Tell me, when did I get a choice?" I ask, a slight tone of bitterness in my voice.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Laurel- "You didn't." I say looking away over the lake. "Some of us don't get a choice. It's fate that chooses, no matter how cruel it is...." I stop.----Chase- I look at Laurel. A bunch of bad memories were going through her head because this girl reminded her of how she was changed. And Laurel felt sorry for her.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I look down "Fate? No, this nightmare was caused by a cruel, murderous being, not 'fate', whatever that really means." I gaze into the water, an image of Andrew popping into mind. His golden hair, blue eyes, and infectious smile sending a stab of sorrow into my heart "Why did it have to be me?" I look up at them "Is there any way to reverse this?" I ask desperately.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I look away from her gaze, "No, there isn't a way. We're the undead and we'll stay the undead."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Laurel- "Its true. There's no reverse. I should know, I've tried to find a way." I say quietly more to myself than to the ones around me.---Chase- I shove Laurel a bit with my elbow. "You talk so depressing. It's makin me feel a lil depressed. I mean just cuz a way has never been found, doesn't mean there isn't one." I say
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I look down again, hopes crushed. "So, I'm doomed to live a miserable existence, every day wishing that I had never gone into those woods, regretting not telling those dear to me how much I love them." I state, then stand "I'd rather be dead, truly dead!" I start to run, then take a dive into the lake, getting as far down as I can, until I reach the bottom. I let the air out of my lungs, taking in water instead of air, trying to drown myself.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I call to the water, "It doesn't work. Trust me, I've seen enough passing by trying to drown themselves." I frown slightly, "I'm sorry for what happened to you. But now it's the way it is. No remorse, no peace, no death...for us, anyway." I turn away from the lake.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "Well I don't know about having no peace....." I say putting my hands behind my head.----Laurel- "That's because you don't mind being a blood sucking killer. You choose to be this way. We didn't." I say and stand near the waters edge waiting for Keira to come back up.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: All I hear is water, swirling, bubbling water. I breath deeply, opening my mouth and inhaling it. I begin to violently choke after I swallow it. Smiling, I wait for death, darkness fraying my vision as I choke, eager for the peace it will bring.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I climb up and perch on the lowest branch of a nearby oak tree. "She'll find out soon enough she can't die." I whisper.