The night of the vampire (Role play) : Forum : Living room

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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "What was that?" I ask as we round the corner and are faced with two seperate hallways. "Oh. Well here we are. The girl dorms are down the hall on the right. Now are you gonna tell me what you said?" I say leaning against the wall.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

crystal: uh th-thanks and i walked down the hall
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "No problem. Maybe I'll see ya later Crystal. Bye." I call down the hall as she leaves and I turn back.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I feel a hard knot of resolve settle in my gut "I'm not drinking blood." I say with finality "I'll die or whatever we do now before I'll drink blood."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Laurel- I look at her. "Well it doesn't have to be human blood. You can drink animal blood."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I shake my head "Blood is blood. I'm not drinking it."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Laurel- "Let me explain what will happen then." I say as I stand up. "You don't drink any blood. Your throat starts to burn. And it gets worse, as if there is a fire within you. Your so thirsty that any scent will cause you to go crazy. To attack. And it may be an animal. Or a person. May he even a person you once knew. Now if you want to stop this from ever becoming a reality, you can choose to drink the blood of animals. I mean, you use to eat animals." I say.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: As I walk inside the living room I also add, "There's also that stage where you literally become so insane over the thought of blood, nothing will matter to you anymore. Not us, not the school, nothing. That's how we know the early stage of slow death for our kind. At least if we are staked it doesn't hurt as long." I sit across from them.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: "Actually, I am-" I frown and correct myself "was a vegetarian. And I'd rather go insane. All I want is to die, so stake me, it would be a mercy."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Laurel- "Mercy...." I mumble looking out the window.----Chase- I walk in and sit down in one of the chairs. "Hello again ladies. Did I miss anything?" I say crossing my feet and putting my hands behind my head.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I shrug "Other than me pretty much begging them to stake me after refusing to take blood, no. Not really." I say dryly.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "Well I'm pretty sure none of us are going to stake you. Heck Laurel threatened to stake me once before we were friends." I say poking. "But I'm still here."-----Laurel- "Only because what you said made me laugh." I shake my head. "You can't stake me, my face is too pretty." I say trying to mock him.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I sigh "I'll stake myself, if that's what it takes."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Laurel-"I doubt anyone will let you try it."----Chase- "Yea we're protective of each other. But why cant you just give this life a try. Look at me and Laurel. We've lived like this for a while. Do we seem like horrible monsters?" I smile. "Well apart from the fangs."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Keira: I start to feel dizzy again "I'm not going to kill in order to live. I'll die a slow, terrible second death, if that's what it takes." A flicker of something catches the corner of my eye, and I turn to see Hunter. A feeling of terror washes over me, my heart stopping, that is, if I even have a heart now. 
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: I sigh angrily at Hunter. "Give the poor girl a break, at least!" I turn my attention back to her, "We don't need to kill every single time but mistakes happen."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Hunter: "I didn't do anything yet." I tell her, then smile at the girl who's afraid of me, showing my fangs. Her eyes portray her fear, and I get a sense of power "I'm just walking around, I live here as much as you do, Wendy."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: "I'm trying to help her unlike you Hunter. What did you want?" I cross my arms.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Hunter: "Oh, many things, but they weren't what I'm after. I'm simply taking a walk, getting some exercise."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: I turn my attention back to Keira and softly say, "There is no other way. You must drink blood to survive. You will not be able to stop yourself when the bloodlust takes over."