The night of the vampire (Role play) : Forum : Living room

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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Laurel- "Yes hopefully soon." I say then hear Chase say quietly that she might just decide to stay in here. "I hope not." I snap at him. "It would be pitiful to watch her spend eternity trying to drown herself when she can't." I say.-----Chase- "Alright alright I'm sorry Laurel." I say holding my hands up in defeat. Then I look up to the other girl. "So while we're all waiting here, can I know your name?" I say, smiling.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I feel my instincts taking over, forcing me to swim to the surface. I break through the water, hands grabbing for the bank."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I smile and start swinging my legs, "I'm Wendy. Nice to meet you." As I hear splashing my eyes dart towards the girl crawling out of the lake coughing and sputtering. "I told you," I say quietly.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: "Told me what?" I gasp "It's a little hard to hear underwater." I collapse on my back, tears mixing with lakewater.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "nice to meet you Wendy. I'm Chase." I say then notice Keira as she lays down and asks for what we said. "That it's no use trying to drown yourself." I say to her as I lean against the tree.---Laurel- 'But it's not like you could blame her for trying.' I think to myself as I watch Keira
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: "I know it's difficult but you must face it: You're undead and you'll stay the undead. Just like the rest of us."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I sit up and hang my head "What do I do, then? If I can't live, but I can't die, what can I do?"
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I shrug, "I ask myself the same question every day."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "Well you can figure out all the new skills you have now. Like testing your new strength or whatever. Or you can go solo and become a nomad vamp that travels wherever you want." I say swinging upside down in the tree.----Laurel- "Or stay here and learn what to do. I don't think it's ideal for a new born to go off and be a nomad right after they've changed." I say looking at Chase
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

nervously walks in Crystal: Excuse me I'm lost could you help me?
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "Well Laurel since I'm not being of any help, I think I'll just help this girl here, since she asked so nicely." I say walking over to the girl who was lost. "Alright now. What are you looking for here? Oh and I'm Chase and you are?" I ask a smile on my face as we walk away from the others-----Laurel- I roll my eyes. "Boys..." I mumble.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

crystal:i'm Crystal and i'm looking for the dorms could you help mr i mean me
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "Of course. So your new here right?" I ask as we walk
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

crystal: yes I smile
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "And do you like it so far?" I say turning my head to look at her.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

crystal: well yes and you ?  i look down at the floor
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- "Yea I like it here. I don't want to stay here for the rest of my immortal life though. I want to go off and d my own thing, be a nomad. But they say you should learn a few things first, so I'm here for a while." I say my hands behind my head as we walk on.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

I look over at him staring into space and I blush
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- I look over at her, noticing her staring and blushing. I laugh. "What are you looking so intently at?" I say lifting an eyebrow and smiling
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

crystal: huh oh er i um i paused for a moment then whispered i need to find confidence to tell him