The night of the vampire (Role play) : Forum : Living room

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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I bare my fangs and feel the venom seep back into my eyes. My hands outstretch as claws as I hiss before dropping back down on the chair, calmed again. "This isn't a joke." I say softly. "No one is trying to make a fool of you."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: My heartrate speeds up "But-but how? This makes no sense."
Hunter: I laugh from the doorway "How? Well, I bit you, and my venom got in your veins, and now, you're a vampire." I step into the room and go over to the couch "It's simple, really." I draw closer, the girl cowering away, fear in her eyes, her startlingly blue eyes. *Wait, blue? They're supposed to be red!* I grab her arm and haul her easily to her feet with a screech. She starts to fall, but I grab her and hold her up by the shoulders. I reach forward, grab her chin and force her to look me directly in the eyes. "What? Her eyes, they're supposed to be red, they're blue." I frown "Why are they blue!" I demand, yelling, the girl trying to get out of my grip.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I shove the man off her. "She's scared enough already, give it a rest, you utter ba-  wait, did you say blue eyes?" I turn towards the girl.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I look up from where I had fallen. As soon as she'd pushed him away, my legs had buckled. I see him looking down at me and scramble backwards, hitting a wall.
Hunter: I take a step forward, kneel down, and force her to look me in the eyes again. "Yep. I would say blue as the sky, but I'd be lying, they're bluer." I turn the girl's face twards Wendy "See for yourself."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I step closer, "Yes, they are." I murmur. "Blue. How can that be?"
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- "Its very rare, but it can happen. Its more common in half-bloods like myself but full bloods that are turned have a slight possibility of keeping their eye color, only it looks a bit enhanced, probably due to the change." I explain. I look to the girl then to the bag in my hand. "Here, eat a cookie. Its called death by chocolate. it has just enough blood to make you feel better but enough chocolate to equal it out."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Hunter: The girl jerks her face away from me, turning twards me again, her eyes wide. In them I can clearly see the horror and the fear, the desperate, instinctive fear of an animal cornered by a predator. I smile, the thing where my heart used to be racing, as I see that fear. It made me crave more of it, more of this rush, more of her. She hears what the other girl says, and begins to grow pale, shaking. But this wasn't fear, no, this was something else entirely that caused her to shake. Her face goes completely white and she falls the rest of the way to the ground, her eyes fluttering shut. I beam as I look down at her, knowing she'd be fine, we just had to get some blood in her, most likely by force, my favorite way.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- "Allow me", I say taking the bottle full of blood. I sit her up and tilt her head back then tilt the bottle until the blood goes into her mouth. I look to the boy, "She is very special you know." I say.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Hunter: I c**k an eyebrow "And why do I care?" I ask sarcastically "She's just another scared little girl." I flash her a murderous grin, my teeth still stained with the girl's blood, then walk out, scattering people as I go.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- I shrug my shoulders and prop the girl up.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I mutter under my breath as I help the girl to her feet.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I shakily stand, eyes darting around the room "Is he gone?" I ask as they help me to the couch "Please say he's gone."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Natalie: Yes, he's gone. Don't worry we will not let him hurt you. I promise.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I look down at my shaking hands. "Is there anywhere I can go?" I ask, the room suddenly small, the air harder to breathe. "Somewhere bigger, less enclosed?" *Less like a trap, a gilded cage.*
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- "Lets take her to the lake, she can have space and fresh air there."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I can't wait for them, I can't! I push them out of my way and run out the door, barreling down hallways. I run into one person, but just shove them aside and keep going, desperate to get some air.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- my eyes follow the girl out the door. "Poor little newborn, I just hate it when they get so frightened." 
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Hex-i walk into the living room and plop down and the couch with a content sigh.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Chase- Laurel had finally decided to walk on her own (since I was apparently getting her skirt dirty) and so we walked from the lake to the girl. She seemed scared, breathing in and out as though she desperately needed the air. "Hi there." I say throwing on my usual crooked smile. "I'm Chase and this Laurel. We came over to see if you were alright?"----Laurel- I'd never seen the girl before. Was she a newborn?
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- After a while I decide to go to the lake.