The night of the vampire (Role play) : Forum : Living room

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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- "Well someone had an extra dose of A Positive today." I chuckle
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I hiss as my eyes closed, breathing in the sweet scent of blood. My eyes open again and my gaze transfixes on the new girl, at the blood dripping from her neck. "Get her away from me," I growl, the voice coming out deeper than my own. My hands clench and I knew the girl only had two seconds to run like hell.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- I look to the girl. "We need to get you out of here", I say to her. I reach in my bag and pull a blood bag from it. "Wendy here, take this." I call knowing she didn't really want to hurt the girl.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I rip the bag from her hands and without thought shoved her away from me as I tear it open and drink the fluid. The empty bag settles to the floor and without the scent of blood in the air the venom in my eyes lighten and I take a deep breath. Leftover blood stained my chin and my hands. I look up sadly, to Zolona at the other end of the room. "I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that," I admit weakly.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- "I know Wendy its okay, it happens to the best of us. I have more in my bag if you need it. Unless you want to head down to the vampire café for something?"
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: I look down and consider for a second then look up and smile, "Sure, let's go."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- I look to the unconscious new girl that I laid on the couch. I take a blood bag and pour it into a water bottle that she won't be able to see through, Then I take my sharpie and write drink me on the bottle. I grab my bag and look to Wendy ready to go. "Lets hope she's an Alice in wonderland fan." I joke as I set the bottle on the table and we leave.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I wake up on a couch in a creepy-looking area that looks like some kind of parlor or something. I shake my head, trying to remember. My heart skips a beat as it all comes flooding back. That image of the girl devouring that package of blood...I must have fainted after that. I look around, spotting a bottle that said "Drink Me." on it. I get up to investigate, then sit back down as the room spins. *What exactly did they do to me?*
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Natalie: *looks up from magazine and sees the girl had woke up* softly she says, " hi, my name is Natalie. What's ur name?
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Zolona- I walk back into the living room to see that the girl is awake but I can tell she is very weak. "I see you're awake" I say very friendly. I look to Natalie, "She's, um new to this world." I say but I use common telepathy to explain. "A boy dragged her back here, he bit her in the woods, she's one of us now but she needs to be told gently and she needs to drink some blood. I put  a bloodbag in the bottle hoping she would drink it to get her energy up."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I look to both of the girls "What am I doing here?" I ask, then put my hand to my head as another dizzy spell hits "Why do I feel like this?" a thought hits me "Did y'all drug me?" I ask, worried.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Natalie: *turns attention to the girl* Don't worry, you'll be fine. My name is Natalie, and this is Zolona. Here *hands here bottle of red liquid* drink this. It make you feel a little bit better. :)
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I take the bottle and eye it uncertainly. It looked like fruit punch, but, not, if that made any sense. I unscrew the cap and start to take a sip. As soon as it hits my tounge, the metallic taste of blood overwhelms me. I spit it out and throw the bottle away from me, stomach churning. "What in the world? Why would you give me that?" I sputter "That's blood!"
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Natalie: Please, don't panic. *picks up the bottle to save the rest of the blood* i'll explain soon, but first what is your name?
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I wipe away a spot of blood that was on my lip "Keira."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Walks back into the room. Hey u guys. What's for breakfast
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Natalie: *looks at keira* now please don't panic, but you are a vampire. *turns attention to Nate* i don't know. check the vampire cafe.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I start to get a headache "What?" I ask, head spinning.
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Wendy: "Vampire. You're one of us now." I say as I walk in and sit on a chair opposite the couch. "Sorry about the, ah, incident earlier. I didn't mean to scare you that badly." I nod toward the bottle, "You're going to want to drink that soon."
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Re: Living room

11 Years Ago

Keira: I pinch myself, trying to see if this is a dream. "This can't be happening." I breathe "Vampires don't exist. They're just in stories." I look around for a camera "Is this a joke?"