The night of the vampire (Role play) : Forum : Living room

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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Keira: "Then stake me, or chain me up or something. I won't do it." I state stubbornly "I might not be human, but I'm not giving up my morals just because everyone else says so."
Hunter "Oh, really? You know, we could always force you to take blood." I grin "I'll be happy to volunteer."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: I sigh and stand up, "If this is your decision I don't want to take part in it. No one is going to stake or chain you to a wall. You have to face it. We all had to."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Keira: I get up and walk out of the room, trying to find somewhere to be alone, to disappear. The dizziness grows, an empty feeling blossoming inside me.
Hunter: I watch as she stumbles, slightly impressed. Most changlings with the amount of hunger I can see she has after less than a day would be on a killing spree by now. But, she seems to have a large amount of control over her hunger, sadly. Oh well, eventually, the bloodlust will take over. Then, that'll be a sight to see. Just the thought of the chaos and terror makes me smile.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: I walk to the window and open it. The cool night air rushes into the room and I climb out. With all the talk of bloodlust, now I was feeling thirsty. I sigh. I've done this for so long I hardly remember when I resisted the change. I do remember agony...screams...and lots of red.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Hunter: I follow the girl, but keep out of sight, just waiting for it to happen.
Keira: I stop dead in my tracks as a metallic scent reaches me, the source revealing itself soon after. I freeze, unable to tear my gaze away "I-I overdid it." a girl stammers "I thought I could handle it, but, once I started, I couldn't seem to stop. I finally regained control, but...I had taken to much already." she tells a man standing there. Yet, I barely hear her, all I see is red, white, and black. It's a boy, his body, at least. His hair black as coal, eyes closed, skin pale, a shade of white only found on the dead, and blood, lots of it, in his hair, on his skin, everywhere. The feeling of emptiness growing, I look at the boy, unable, for some reason to look away. The scent of the blood fills me, the sight of it glistening on him holding me captive. Normally I would have felt repulsed, sickened, by the sight, but, now, all I feel is a want, no, a need for it.

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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: The familiar scent of blood attracts my attention from the east and quietly I sprint my way over when I saw Hunter standing there watching something intently. I crouch onto the tree branch and scoot my way forward. What's he looking at? It must not have been his prey, I muse, otherwise he wouldn't be standing there. He must be stalking Keira, I frown. Poor girl, why must he torture her like this?
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Keira: A jolt of fear shoots through me, snapping me out of the trance. I wanted blood, and badly. I turn and run, trying to get away from it. All I see is red, everything living or breathing is red. Trees, animals, everything. All red and dripping with blood.
Hunter: I had seen it, a flicker of desire in her eyes. A few specks of red, bright and undeniable, in her otherwise blue eyes. Sadly, she had run before she had given in.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Chase- "Shame about the girl. She's gonna have to drink blood sometime. But Hunter shouldn't do what he does to her. Following her and intimidating her all the time. I mean what's his problem?" I say wondering if Laurel even heard me.----Laurel- "He wasn't always like that." I simply say.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: Quickly I look around for a living sorce, something that would keep her from insanity. Her focus was waning and soon she wouldn't know the difference of what was real and what wasn't. Spotting an owl in the trunk of the tree, I leapt forward and snatched it by its neck, killing it instently. Red dripped over my hand and I threw the animal into Keira's path. The smell alone will attract her. I licked the blood from my hand as I watched her crash through the trees.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Keira: I smell it again: Blood. I freeze, forcing myself to be still, to not go after it. "Calm, stay calm." I breathe "You don't need it. You can overcome this. Just stay calm." I mentally block out the scent telling myself it isn't there. That I don't want blood. My breathing evens out, heartbeat returning to a normal rate. "I don't want it." I open my eyes, the world seeming sharper, clearer. "I don't need it."Hunter: I watch, curious. She's a changeling, she's supposed to be unable to resist her hunger, at least, not to this extent. It's unnatural.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: I jump in front of her, startling her slightly. "How did you do that?" I ask, astonished. "No newborn- no vampire- none have ever been able to resist!"
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Keira: I look at her, confused "All I did was tell myself I don't need it." I bite my lip "By the way, is it normal to feel like you're, well, empty? Like there's nothing but an empty space inside you?"
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: "Sometimes. If you're alone all the time, then yes. I've felt empty when I was first created. When I-" I turn away from her. "I killed so many people those few months. I had no idea what had happened to me; whenever my throat burned...nothing else mattered. It wasn't until my creator caught up with me that I learned when to stop."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Keira: "I haven't been alone since I was bitten and drug here." I say with a sigh "I wish I had, though. I'm not a people person."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: "Whatever's around, you would hunt it. No matter what it was." I start walking back towards the school. "I know it's not an easy transition but if you can't feed because you won't allow yourself to, you're going to have a hard time the rest of your life."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Keira: I stare after her "Is there a way for me to survive without blood?" I blurt out before I had realized I was going to. I feel the emptiness grow, making the world go unfocused, but not like it had before. I blink a few times and things come back in focus "Any way at all?" I ask, desperate.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: "I don't know. I've never questioned it. You can try other things but the food you used to eat will not sustain you anymore- your body won't take it. Listen to the monster and feed it and you'll be in control of your own body." I turn around to her. "I have been raised as a normad. I did not have the humanity in me to refuse blood. I can help in any way I can but I can't guarantee anything."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Keira: I turn quickly as I hear something behind me, yelping as a hand grips my arm.   Hunter: I frown into her eyes, ones that had no hint of red "This is not how it works." I mutter "You're supposed to be out of control. Why aren't you out of control? Why?" I demand, tightening my grip.
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Wendy: I shove Hunter away from her. "No one knows what's going on. Shaking her isn't going to spill unknown answers."
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Re: Living room

10 Years Ago

Hunter: I glare at Wendy "Well, how else am I going to get answers?"