The Writers Workshop And Computer Use Support Group
My promise to each and every m..
My promise to each and every member17 Years AgoOk, now for a little bit of soul searching. My own personal quote is “To be called a poet isn’t a crown that one can place upon ones self, but a royalty that only those who read and enjoy ones words can bestow. I’ll never think of myself as being a poet, only time and others can determine if I ever achieve that status. No one in this group is here because they lack in talent, or because they’ll let others pass judgment on their first love which is writing. I can only describe what I do to try and convey my thoughts to paper, not the means that others use to reach the same characters penned in displayed lines of thought. First I look at the world around me, and accept my place in it. I then try to place myself into the lives of others, and to visualize what they feel. I shut my eyes and let my mind open to the sounds and visions any given moment presents. No feeling or vision is so small that it can’t be exploded into an array of fireworks of words. Don’t follow the same path that others take, but rather beat back the bushes of confinement and strike a new trail that leads to your hearts thoughts. Grab those thoughts with the gentleness of a dove, and place them to paper with the power of a lion. We’re here to help and support each other, and that’s a promise I’d like each of us to make to each other. As a group we can climb higher than we’ve ever been, and still retain our individuality. I promise each and every member that I’ll do all in my power to help them reach their hearts goal, without asking for a single thing in return except that you help others. We each have our own story to tell, and we all have the same singular belief. That's the belief and faith in our selves to become the best that we can. The belief that no one is going to say we can't, and that we our selves will never hold us back. From here on out, only time and faith may create the next Hemmingway. I bow to your presence, and offer my all to help you achieve what your soul desires. Phillip William Allen |