The Writers' Coffeehouse : Forum : Free ebook - THUNDRHED!

Free ebook - THUNDRHED!

1 Year Ago

   I’m Damon Wolfe, author of THUNDRHED!, and I’m dropping you a line to let you know that my book will be available free to readers from 1/9/23 to 30/9/23. I self-published  THUNDRHED! Through Draft2Digital a couple of years ago, whereon it sank like a rock among tens of thousands of other self-published titles. Hooray for the digital revolution. It has had five star reviews from the few people who have read it (all eight of them) and you can find some of those on My purpose in writing this is to get my book in front of actual readers, and what the hell, I might as well give it away free since it only sold four copies, three of which I bought.
   I do believe that THUNDRHED! Is better than a lot of the crap that’s out there and that it’s worth your time, but don’t take my word for it when you can download it free.