The Spectral Lounge Forum Featured Stories
Featured Stories17 Years AgoI decided instead of featuring two different writers, I would feature an author and one of his or her stories. It's less confusing that way. Everyone will have their chance, so just hold your horses! ::tongue::
[no subject]17 Years AgoYay! I got featured :D Kick a*s!
[no subject]17 Years AgoAwesome! I will patiently wait my turn. :)
And, Thanks Jocelyn for all your hard work. You are...AWESOME! You give excellent reviews and this is a great idea for a group. Chrissie |
[no subject]17 Years AgoThanks, you're such a doll! ::biggrin::
And your time will be approaching shortly... very shortly. Jocelyn Elizabeth |
[no subject]17 Years AgoThanks for featuring me :) i just wanted everyone to know I've added more to my story so if you already have reviewed please check it out and let me know what you think.
[no subject]17 Years AgoYou have a good story going. I can't wait for more! Please update soon, I will die without it. ::drool::
[no subject]17 Years AgoYeah! Featured writer! Thanks. I haven't been on line much this week. My husband just had back surgery and I have been running ragged. But I will get Angenii Chapter five edited, because after seeing it from Jocelyn's POV I agree with the comments and will change the chapter, completely. :) Thanks for the review, by the way, it totally rocks. I will repost the edited version within the next few days, and then get chapter six up.
Hope you guys enjoy it. Chrissie |