The Sincerity Club : Forum : Most Influential

Most Influential

12 Years Ago

What book/poem/play influenced you the most as a writer? This topic is pretty self-explainatory- I want to see personality in your perspective.

Re: Most Influential

12 Years Ago

I know it's probably not going to be a popular answer, not considered a great classic or anything...yet! But my answer is, most of the novels written by Stephen King which I fell in love with as a teenager.

Re: Most Influential

12 Years Ago

What inspires me the most is history. I study Archaeology in North-West Europe. So mostly the mythology, saga's, traditional stories and songs I have learned since I was a little girl. I also love J.R.R Tolkien and George R.R Martin( a song of ice and fire) and the book "Auriane" from donna gillespie.

Re: Most Influential

12 Years Ago

  It's weird, but this reminded me of the first book I ever read in my life: the Three Musketeers.  I read that thing (the adult version), cover to cover in a few days, and at the end of it my own mind was already boiling, stirring around plot elements and characters which, later, would become the first stories I would ever write.  At that time, I was about ten years old, and my imagination hasn't stopped creating . . . I don't think there's an off switch, thank goodness