The Review : Forum : looking to exchange work in pr..

looking to exchange work in progress for review

4 Years Ago


I'm new here an am not sure if this is the right place for me to be. I've been writing and self-publishing for years. I write both action/adventure and science fiction books. I have an action/adventure series that currently has four books. I'm working on the fifth. These stories involve an archeologist that travels the world unraveling interesting mysteries. There is always a local group that is unhappy with any new discoveries. That's why she brings her husband along. He has a background in the military and now helps defend his wife and co-workers. Obviously, these stories are fiction, but the locals are based on places around the world that I have visited. My current work in progress (about 20,000 words so far) takes place in China. Specifically Xian, the home of the Terracotta Warriors. I would love to get input on this work and will be happy to provide the same.