The Place To Be
Getting to know you...
Getting to know you...17 Years AgoObviously, some of us don't know others of us in here... so to help with breaking the ice in getting to know each other, I thought that maybe we could all say something short and simple about ourselves, NOT related to writing (since it's obvious that we're all writers). I'll start.
shaun... is an insomniac, has an eating disorder, loves to race (online), is a numbers geek (I work with formulas and databases for work - I love it!), doesn't eat anything orange, loves sports (college football - go buckeyes, and hockey - go bluejackets), loves ellipses' and last but not least, is training for a marathon. next... |
[no subject]17 Years Agoi guess i will be next..
I am a bit crazy, i drive way to fast most of the time. My mind is always going at 100 mil an hour. i have dislexia and i always have to be moving. I am awsome at word search and number searches. I cant live with out music or movies... I hate orange and yellow candy or those flavors. I can live off of pasta and chineese food. I am a Human Resorcess Assistant, I dont really like it b/c i am inside all day. I also am trying to get into the photogrophy feild.. prob going to start my own shop.. lets see oh i like to scrapbook and paly wow.. your turn |
[no subject]17 Years AgoI drive too fast too. I also live in the country surrounded by trees. I'm pursuing a degree in social work. I currently work in a kitchen. I drive a Honda Civic and last night I sucked the paint of this Saturn that tried to race me. Did I mention I love to drive fast. I also love music. I play guitar and I sing. You can read some of my songs on my profile. Um, that's not everything there is to know about me, but I'll leave the rest up to your imagination. Or, if you ask, I'll tell you.