The Obstructed : Forum : What's In a Review?

What's In a Review?

17 Years Ago

What are you looking for in review? Let us know, so we can help maximize your feedback. We'll try to put some of the focus on your requests, while also giving our impressions and suggesting improvements.

A Good Review
A Good Review
A Story by Michelle Ross

Personaly, I'm looking for suggestions on action, cliche, and most importantly, character development. All other suggestions are appreciated.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

i look for constructive criticism, i also try to give it. I don't like giving "That was wonderful" reviews because you don't learn from them. I like any kind of suggestion, which i can use to better my writing. I also like some reason behind the suggestion. Not just change this to that but why and what the story gain from that change.