The New Elysium Army : Forum : Training Room

Training Room

18 Years Ago

You enter a room with weapons, targets, and various training equipment, there are several rooms for which to train in each offering something diffrent such as a padded room a room of ice water, fire, and many more so you can learn to fight in all conditions

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

~closes my wings nad flips down landing on one knee and one foot my arms at my side my eyes red my daggers drawn and back I close my eyes and balls of energy some from me forming into clones of me, while several dummies appear, the kind that fight back opens my eyes as I hear one aproach me an kicks up flipping of it digging my daggers into it's neck as I flow over it's head and twisting pulling it back with me and taking off its head one dagger in it's back it do a slight turn drawing my dagger up through it's body and smiles with fangs~ this'll be fun ~startes fighting all the clones and dummies with only my two daggers, disappearing at moment only to appear again this personal battle going on for several nights and days never stopping~

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Originally posted by Lanthiria
~closes my wings nad flips down landing on one knee and one foot my arms at my side my eyes red my daggers drawn and back I close my eyes and balls of energy some from me forming into clones of me, while several dummies appear, the kind that fight back opens my eyes as I hear one aproach me an kicks up flipping of it digging my daggers into it's neck as I flow over it's head and twisting pulling it back with me and taking off its head one dagger in it's back it do a slight turn drawing my dagger up through it's body and smiles with fangs~ this'll be fun ~startes fighting all the clones and dummies with only my two daggers, disappearing at moment only to appear again this personal battle going on for several nights and days never stopping~

She walks in silently, her hands rest on the hilt of her small sword, and she wathches her mother fight. The gems on the hilt continue to match her eyes, a deep sapphire with a mere hint of scarlet, and she backs out of her mother's way, still watching.

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

~one of my energy bodies grabs a dagger I throw and slips behind my thrusting it up into my bac, hisses and reaches back the wounds slowly healing and pushes my body up digging the dagger into them andusing the wall near by to kick off rips the blad up cutting them open as I flip over them once I am right over their head i dig another dagger into their throat andtwist their neck ripping it off and letting it land on the black floor witha thud the energy dissolveing and my vbody absorbing it causeing the wound to heal my boots make a soft clicking as I land and ready my daggers my little black skirt torn and blood dripping from a presious cut that I haven't allowed to heal, smiles revealing my fangs~ who's next? ~the rest attack in what seem to be a blur my body being burried unter the masses you hear a whisper as blades fly from teh shadws at all directions into the bodies and a huge pulse shoots from the pile and sucks in like a vacume sucking inteh energy. only a few remaining to blades appear on either side straight through the bodies of two of the clones as they disintegrate and the energy goes back into me with two clones and one dummy remeining I cross the balde in front of me decpitating one thenin a swift movement shove my blades by my sides and back through the remaining clone and dummy. Taking a deep breath I brush let my hair down my wounds slowly healing and walks away~ hmm that was refreshing ~stops seeing pesi out of the corner of my eye, smiles and picks her up~ well hello there my little one

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Originally posted by Lanthiria
~one of my energy bodies grabs a dagger I throw and slips behind my thrusting it up into my bac, hisses and reaches back the wounds slowly healing and pushes my body up digging the dagger into them andusing the wall near by to kick off rips the blad up cutting them open as I flip over them once I am right over their head i dig another dagger into their throat andtwist their neck ripping it off and letting it land on the black floor witha thud the energy dissolveing and my vbody absorbing it causeing the wound to heal my boots make a soft clicking as I land and ready my daggers my little black skirt torn and blood dripping from a presious cut that I haven't allowed to heal, smiles revealing my fangs~ who's next? ~the rest attack in what seem to be a blur my body being burried unter the masses you hear a whisper as blades fly from teh shadws at all directions into the bodies and a huge pulse shoots from the pile and sucks in like a vacume sucking inteh energy. only a few remaining to blades appear on either side straight through the bodies of two of the clones as they disintegrate and the energy goes back into me with two clones and one dummy remeining I cross the balde in front of me decpitating one thenin a swift movement shove my blades by my sides and back through the remaining clone and dummy. Taking a deep breath I brush let my hair down my wounds slowly healing and walks away~ hmm that was refreshing ~stops seeing pesi out of the corner of my eye, smiles and picks her up~ well hello there my little one

~her hand slowly reaches for her blade at her mother's side, trying to keep her from noticing, and grips the hilt, smiling innocently and says~ mama you hurt?

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

~smiles~ no pesi I'm not hurt, but watch that balde ~laughs slightly my fangs revealed as they slowly shrink back to their normal length~ I would hate to have to fight you after fighting all of them

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Originally posted by Lanthiria
~smiles~ no pesi I'm not hurt, but watch that balde ~laughs slightly my fangs revealed as they slowly shrink back to their normal length~ I would hate to have to fight you after fighting all of them

~Pesi sighs as she drops the hilt, letting it slide back into it's sheath and she looks at her mother.~ I miss it, mama.

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

~smiles and draws the sword from the sheath setting pesi down and handing it to her a few small orbs come from me making bodies~ then perhaps you should try it out

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Originally posted by Lanthiria
~smiles and draws the sword from the sheath setting pesi down and handing it to her a few small orbs come from me making bodies~ then perhaps you should try it out

~Pesi loosely grips the sword and looks at the dummies, remembering how hard they had been for her mother, and then looks at her mother, pushing the sword back towards her as if saying "I don't want to do this anymore"~

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

~laughs and nods taking the sword and snaps my fingers the dummies disappearing~

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Originally posted by Lanthiria
~laughs and nods taking the sword and snaps my fingers the dummies disappearing~

~Pesi frowns slightly, and she keeps eyeing her sword.~

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

~Laughs and offers the sword back to her~

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Originally posted by Lanthiria
~Laughs and offers the sword back to her~

~Pesi isn't sure if she should take it, she wonders if the dummies will come back.~

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Originally posted by Pesi Avaritia
[quote=Lanthiria]~Laughs and offers the sword back to her~

~Pesi isn't sure if she should take it, she wonders if the dummies will come back.~[/quote]

~smiles~ I will not let the dummies come back little one okay?

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Originally posted by Lanthiria
[quote=Pesi Avaritia][quote=Lanthiria]~Laughs and offers the sword back to her~

~Pesi isn't sure if she should take it, she wonders if the dummies will come back.~[/quote]

~smiles~ I will not let the dummies come back little one okay?[/quote]
~Pesi nods slowly and reaches for her sword, the gems on it a perfect mixture of sapphire and a dark crimson.~

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

~hands pesi her sword and steps into the shadows watching her~

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Originally posted by Lanthiria
~hands pesi her sword and steps into the shadows watching her~

~Pesi watches her mother walk into the shadows and wonders what she's supposed to do now, looking around just in case the dummies do show up.~

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

~smiles and disappears~

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Originally posted by Lanthiria
~smiles and disappears~

~Pesi whispers quietly~ Mama? ~She realizes she's not there and she wields her sword, looking around frantically, making sure nothing else lurks in the shadows.~

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

*watches her niece from the shadows.*

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