Where members of the Red Eye group on WritersCafe take their personal disputes, so that the rest of the members of that group don't have to listen to them.
If you and your special friend choose to take your fight in here, and you don't like how it's turning out, don't ask me to be daddy. If somebody really is breaking the law or is violating the TOS or otherwise is doing something that I, as the moderator, need to know about, then I appreciate being told about that, and will take action, probably on my next login. Also, if somebody is in here attacking you, and you stayed out of it, and he's using this group to defame you, then please tell me about that, because that is not what this group is for. There is a difference between choosing to get in the ring with somebody, and just having him throwing rocks through your window.
But, other than that, I don't want to get involved. I set up this group, not because I think that flamewars are so awesome, but because I think that they're so stupid, and I don't want people to have to wade through them to get to the content that they're on WritersCafe to read. Among those that I'd like to see spared that would be me, myself and I. I've got stuff to do, and am wondering why so many other people don't, so try to not bother me with this nonsense. OK?
You might notice that I've allowed you to upload stories to this group. Satire is the genre I would recommend. Keep it reasonably clean, and bring a sense of humor, especially when your enemy decides to satirize you back. I hope that you and your adversary will, at some point, discover that you're having more fun laughing with each other than you were screaming at each other, but in the wise words of the ancient sage who brings me my coffee in the morning, "whatever".
Just leave me out of it, and don't even think of applying to join this group if you haven't been active on the Red Eye. I do understand the idea of recruiting supporters for a fight, and that is not going to take place, here, as far as I'm concerned.
The moderator, if this should ever matter, is Joseph Dunphy.
You can return to your ring via WritersCafe or Webring Webspace, if you love and miss the javascript.