The Dusty Bookshelf : Forum : Hello There

Hello There

12 Years Ago

Hello to the writers who have stumbled upon this little nook of the world. I'm happy you have decided to sit and stay awhile and I look forward to reading and talking with you all.

Re: Hello There

11 Years Ago

Hey there,
I just joined WC tonight. I've posted my first entry which is the first chapter in a series of short stories. I'm looking for honest feed back and a slight kick in the butt to keep going.

Re: Hello There

11 Years Ago

Hey! How's it going? I'm RealistMe and I recently joined Writer's Cafe, earlier this morning. I guess you can say I'm a vagabond from Xanga 1.0 and Blogster. I also have my own website called, "It's Not All Gumdrops And Unicorns." Please feel free to check out my Writer's Cafe page and my website through :)

Re: Hello There

10 Years Ago

Hello!I'm a 63 year old retired high school Speech & Debate teacher. Though I still do Adjunct teaching at our local community college.I've always enjoyed the Short Story. Anton Chekov and Joyce Carol Oates are two of my favorites.Still unpublished, but seriously hoping to change that.