The Comic Book, Nerdy And Overall Geek Culture Of Writer's Cafe : Forum : Favorite Comics

Favorite Comics

18 Years Ago

There's no activity here... Let's all name our favorite comics and why...

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

hmmm...leesse..Frank Millers Dark Knight Returns - for its complete revision of a classic character, which im sorry, was freakin lame before he touched it

and New Xmen- for Grant Morrissons ability to take a pre-teen comic, and grow it up a bit, and take it to its roots, back to school ;)

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

I like Gen 13 and the Wildcats. My favorite characters are Freefall of Gen 13 and of the wildcats. I pretty much like them all, but if I had to name one. It would be Grifter. He's soo damn hott and doesn't take s**t from no one. Grifter is what kinda led me to reading Gen 13, because he was part of the gen 12 group.. blah blah blah.

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

Green Lantern and Starman all the way.

Fathom and Sandman

18 Years Ago

I have to say that Fathom and Sandman are probably my favorite comics. Fathom has an underwater Atlantis feel to it and Sandman...well there's something to be said about morpheus, that silly little Dream King with his Robert Smith hair:)

[no subject]

18 Years Ago

okay i'm young so don't be mad that i haven't got a copy of stuff like sandman... I so neeeeeeeed one. But yea my fav comics are the wonder woman, she is so freaking awsome. I guess I'm more into the female lead then the guy lead. The guy lead is done so often i tire of it. My other one would be the teen titans. the newer ones anyway. My GOD I LOVE RAVEN! other than that ultimate x=men, people die in it, and peoole are gay, and nightcrawler is a homophobe!

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17 Years Ago

I really dug the original Adam Warlock comic books written by Jim Starlin for Marvel Comics.

Jim Starlin had a knack for writing quirky characters fighting against evil galaxy spanning empires and Adam Warlock was one helluva quirky character.

Golden-skinned, cosmically aware and sporting a green soul gem on his forehead that sucked the very life out of his enemies, he was definitely one of my favourite characters.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

I read X-men, Batman, batgirl, Superman, Wolverine, Run Aways, GIRLS, Ant, Spider-girl, Nowheregirl, and Platinum Grit.

and I read some Graphic Novels-scattered titles my brain cant remember the names of. lol.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

Love a lot of Batman titles--currently enjoying the Morrison and Dini runs in both Batman and Detective Comics. I also enjoy Frank Miller's work: 300, The Dark Knight Returns, & the Sin City series. Transmetropolitan is fantastic, as well. Oh, the Punisher MAX series has always been good.

...Yeah, that's all I can think of at the top of my head right now.

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17 Years Ago

I'm a fan of the Ultimate Spider-Man series. I just like the way they revamped the story, plus the game for it is awesome ;)

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17 Years Ago

Yes, Ultimate Spider-man is delicious, I haven't kept up with anything in like a year except for picking up an occasional TPB now and then. I really dig Supreme Power because of all the "power relationships" and manipulation and character creations and everything.

I love new conventions and re-inventions, so the Ultimate line has always intrigued me for this reason. I love re-invention.

Dark Knight Returns also awesome for that reason and for the 'glimpse into a possible future,' or whatever you want to call it, that it provides. I totally love this kind of storyline or convention in comic books.

My ultimate favorite example of this though, is The Age of Apocalypse, I don't think I've read a better alternate reality storyline, if only because of the magnitute of AoA. I didn't even get into that House of M stuff, but I heard it was a big letdown. Anyone read that?

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17 Years Ago

I enjoy comics in three different ways. For the writing, the drawing and for both combined. If something is both well written and well drawn, such as Dark Knight Returns of Watchmen, that's a winner. If I really like the art, Joshua Middleton and Art Adams spring to mind, I might by the book just for that. The main reason why I'll buy a comic book or graphic novel is for the writing. There are many books I pick up regardless of how it looks. Sandman was like that; there were many great artists on the book, but even if I didn't really like it, it was still one of my favorite. Walking Dead and Strangers in Paradise are that way. Box Office Poison; you can follow it, but I at least was mainly there for the story.

I don't buy many comics these days. I'm kind of stuck on Amazing Spider-man, for some ungodly reason, and I like Illuminati, but that's about all I consistenly buy. I'd love to buy DC titles like Action, Batman and Wonder Woman, but they can't keep any of the f*cking creators on the books. And I can't afford to spend 2 or 3 dollars every week for Countdown, when I'd rather just have the book in the end anyway.

That's what I primarily buy, the graphic novels or collections. Some of my favs are Same Difference and Other Stories, Blankets, American Born Chinese, Heavy Liquid, Bone, Fables, Maus. I'm an Indy kind of guy. I love anthologies: Bizarro by DC, True Porn, 9-11, SPX. There's a lot of great stuff out there and sometimes it even includes super-heroes.

[no subject]

17 Years Ago

My favorite series of all time was The Maxx, as for current monthlys, I'm really into
X-men (adjectivless)
Cable & Deadpool
The Walking Dead
Ultimate X-men
Ultimate Spider-man
Ant-Man (damn marvel for cancelling this book!)

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Any and all X-Men books, especially New X-Men by Grant Morrison and Astonishing X-men.

Also, Y:the Last Man, The Invisibles, All Star Superman, Batman, Transmetropolitan, Runaways, The Ultimates and anything by Grant Morrison, Alan Moore or Warren Ellis.