The Brown Recluse : Forum : You're new. Who Are You?

You're new. Who Are You?

16 Years Ago

Hey everyone I started this group and I hope that everyone will enjoy it. I know the name sounds funky, but I always liked the title and I had to put it on something.
So I'm Morgan and I'm from California. I have been writing as a hobby since I was a kid. I just freakin' like it. Have fun on here. I will create group contests and other invigorating writing exercises.

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Hi ya Morgan...and any other new members!

I love the name the brown recluse...I used to live in Oregon and they always took over one corner of our old barn.......they were mesmerizing....creative..interesting.....feisty little things!!!

My name is Julie I am a 31 year old business professional from Canada .....who literally just took up writing two years ago.  I was a closet journal writer but never had the kahones to share my work. 

So to make a long story short two years ago one of my very dear friends was diagnosed with breast cancer....and we decided to make a list.  We called it our 52 things to do before you die.  We picked 51 things we never had dared to do before to do together and the 52 item on the list was something we secretly have wanted the other person to always do.   Well after a series of crazy events...jumping out of perfectly good planes.... kayaking in New Zealand.....feeding the sharks in Hawaii....ya we pretty much tapped into the dark recesses of our minds searching for moments that we thought would define our lives.  When we got to number 51 which was surprisingly quick to achieve we hovered on the precipice of accomplishing our 52 task.  Her record a studio session of songs.....she is an amazing singer. join a writing group and share my work.  I am happy to report that she is now in remission....and she not only made a cd but is now a backup singer for a very prominent diva....our new list is in the works and I am- a member of the writers cafe and I participate in poetry slams at least once a month in my city.

I believe it is our duty to enhance the world with the rich diversity that can be found with the written examine....account......tresspass.....traverse and dream.

Gladly looking forward to getting to know you all-


[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Hey Everyone! Glad to be here.
I'm from California too! I don't think the name is odd, Brown Recluse brings up the image of a tavern for me. And waddya know, I like taverns!

Anyway, I'm on this website for the fun of writing and hopefully interact with some people who can I can share it with. Right now, I just want to write a book so that one day I can tell my friends that I wrote down my imagination and someone thought it was good enough to be published!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Tha't's awesome, I actually go the idea for the name when I was in Oregon too. My friend was bitten by one on the elbow. Go figure. The doctors had to take skin from his leg and replace what the venom destroyed.
I actually always thought that it would be a good name for a pub. I sounds like a place that would be in a movie.
Sorry to hear of your friend's cancer. I hope that everything works out. Your to do list was great.
Thanks, everyone, for joining!

[no subject]

16 Years Ago

Hey Storms, I just clicked on your profile and noticed you live in Lawndale.

I live in Hawthorne! Small world huh?