The Broken, The Beaten, & The Scared : Forum : That one piece

That one piece

12 Years Ago

Okay guys, is there that ONE peice that you have written and you are like "F** did I even write that?" Or am I just the only one? Because I know that I have one story that I am extremely proud of. Okay here's the deal guys, that one piece...describe it using 1-5 sentences and then put the link to it. If I'm interested or anyone else is they might read it. Okay here's mine...

My story is about a guy and girl who are in love and his mom makes the guy move away. Well he never gets a chance to say goodbye to his girlfriend (because they had a fight).  7 months latter she just can't take it without him, so she decides to commit suicide. Then the most shocking thing happens........
The Edge

Okay now its your turn guys (: