The Briny Muse : Forum : Self Consciousness

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Self Consciousness

13 Years Ago

The way we view ourselves takes place in many different ways. It is not neccessarily a matter of ' one size fits all.' At WC, we write and exercise our understanding of the experience as a mind based phenomenon. In relation to the many people we 'meet' online, that's a world in itself. Outside, we relate physically to friends and family. This introduces a sense of touch not available in the WC experience. In relation to the environment, we experience contact with nature, the trees, rain, sky etc. that affirms our contact with the greater scheme of creation. This is non-verbal. Each ' world' brings something wonderful in what we are. In putting this together and seeing ourselves, we view a whole person, the individual, in relation to the world around him. It helps us to be focussed in each thing we do, with the view of the unique environment that it represents. It affirms our existence and puts us in touch with the future.