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KnightsHood Issue Four is out the final issue for Volume 1

7 Years Ago

Hey guys letting you know that KnightsHood Issue Four is out it is the final issue for Volume 1. But the DARKVERSE Phase 3 is still running with Death Raised Volume Three still to come out and Nightmare Killer Volume Two. Also Death Raised and Nightmare Killer are both getting a Halloween Special on Halloween XD can't wait to show you all.

Re: KnightsHood Issue Four is out the final issue for Volume 1

7 Years Ago

Sounds wonderful Joshua Haines-
I started to read some of your work, I need some time to have a clever imagination from what I gathered so far. Totally impressed.
Keep up the great work!

The group & I are looking forward to whatever you have to offer!!! --good luck with everything.