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Prologue for book
Prologue for book8 Years Agoany reviews would be greatly appreciated
“Hello my name is Dr. Arheologija four months ago I received a grant to dig in Africa. I was digging simply for dinosaur fossils but while I was digging for the fossils I found a series a bound boxes. Upon opening the boxes, I found a series of tablets. Upon them was a series of pictographs that despite my limited knowledge of ancient languages I could not understand as I riffled through the rest of the tablets I found a separate set with English on it. I was astounded and upon reading the English found it to be a dictionary assumedly meant to translate the strange language to English. Returning stateside I called my associate professor Dr. Prevodach who is a linguist at Cornell University. There he specializes in lexicography, which as you know is the recording of different languages in a systematic order i.e. a dictionary. As Dr. Prevodach begin to decode the language using the key provided he find out it is a diary dating back to approximately 4 million years ago. Which didn’t make since to him since the tablets were constructed out of metal and no one had yet mastered smelting of metals yet but, here there they were. We were to say the least confounded by this fact” Dr. Prevodach interjected “As I continued to decipher the tablets I began to read the fascinating and yet disturbing narrative of the first sentient human being. For clarities sake we shall refer to him as Prometheus. I read his diary as follows “My tale begins about ten years ago a strange creature let out a huge unhuman bellow. All the other animals around immediately went still and then bolted, my instincts told me to flee and did. What little good it did me since the thing caught up to me, in a matter of seconds, and took hold of me in its’ massive claws. It gave me a swift blow to the head and the next thing I remember I was alone.” The Anthropologist interrupts with his high pitched nasally voice “See now this here illustrates that the specimen had conceived notions of the passage of time. This was one of the the most important developments for the human race happens for this creature in the maturity of his youth is down right impossible. Not to mention the development of a complex language system which accounted for the evolution of language where we in 2015 can translate is inconceivable. From this I draw one conclusion this could only occur with a hire being expediting the process of evolution” A series of scoffs come from the audience “You can’t seriously expect us to believe that this strange creature had the power to speed up the evolution process at an expeditious rate. The creature would have to be not of this earth basically alien to us.” Dr. Prevodach immediately cut him off saying “That is exactly what we are proposing. Later on in Prometheus’ diary he says ’The next months were hard I could never get seem to get enough sleep or food. I realize now it was my body needing the energy and nutrients to evolve. After those months spent evolving the ability to process the world around me and follow more than just instinct was overwhelming. While my memory and information processes dramatically increased I was able to make no use of these extra abilities for the first couple of years. Like a baby during it’s early years the information was useless. While I receive so much more information I wasn’t sure how to handle it. As I understood the new found data about the world around me the headaches started to subside. With this information I was able to accomplish things that where at the time amazing but to me now are of little consequence. I began to construct rudimentary tools made out of flint. I started to no longer live a nomadic lifestyle and settled down, to do so I mastered farming and the keeping of livestock. The creature visited twice more. The second time that it visited me it projected its thoughts into my head. It felt like it had clawed its way into my head while it coldly pried into the deepest recess of my mind. All I could think of was a predator playing with its food before it devoured it. It told me that It came from a planet light years away and it was assigned here to prepare the human race. For if we were to enter the inter-galactic struggle as we were would would surely have as good of hope as an ant taking on a lion. It then told me ‘that either we will evolve or die for the human race was being entered into the fight regardless of how ready you and your race are. To prepare your race I have given you increased your mind and the now I shall bestow upon the gift of prophesy. Do not thank me if you do manage to evolve your race your name shall be cursed for generations to come but, you will become infamous for single handedly creating a new race. Now I must go I will return in forty years.’ As you can just have heard this creature, this alien, is responsible for the evolution of mankind.” The anthologist once again splutters out “This make complete since and explains why as a race we have been so evolutionarily stagnate for the past 4 million years. We as a race must require an exterior force to evolve”. Dr. Prevodach says” this will close out our lecture for the time being, if you look in the next issue of national geographic I will publish the complete translation of the plates. Thank you for your time.” |