The Best Group To Get Reviews********************* : Forum : Hey! New to Site!

Hey! New to Site!

7 Years Ago

Hey gang! New to the site, really hoping to get some feedback.  I only have 2 short excerpts up currently!  Lemme know what you think. 


Re: Hey! New to Site!

7 Years Ago

Hello, Hello and Welcome to our Group:)

We look forward to reading..

Re: Hey! New to Site!

7 Years Ago

Welcome to the group.

I am on my way to work but will try to look at your stories tomorrow.


Re: Hey! New to Site!

7 Years Ago


I am new to the site and just join this group. I am looking forward to this and hopefully can learn a lot as well. I have a chapter out. Check it out and let me know what you think.