The Best Group To Get Reviews********************* : Forum : R&R


7 Years Ago

A Story by rea

Today I read a story by an author here in the group. 

If you have a story or a poem that you had read and think it is worth sharing..please let us know ...thanks 

Re: R&R

7 Years Ago

Divine DesireA Poem by Eccentric Visionary 

Today I had the privilege to read a poem by Eccentric Visionary  worth reading ! 
Loved it ..maria

Re: R&R

7 Years Ago

I Am The Wind
A Poem by Anastasia_Snow

charming poem.

Re: R&R

7 Years Ago

School Blues
A Poem by Justin Wilson

Excellent Poem-great visuals &
Rhyming Scheme  

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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