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Creative Writing Activity

8 Years Ago

Color Coded.   Write a short story that begins with the word "blue," and in which the first word of every paragraph is a color. Use the "color word" only once in each paragraph, but suggest the color in as many ways as possible.

Re: Creative Writing Activity

8 Years Ago

Blue... as in "the blues" the music made of soul. The feeling of depth within your spirit and that of loss. The kind of thing families of lost souls not returning to them feel. But also the color of skies ,bright futures, and crocuses the first blooms of spring. Red... as in blood spilled over generations, eyes weary from tears shead, tempers flaring from the madness . The color of warmth,forgiveness, comfort, and. .. love. White... as in sterile, emptiness, blank pages , and absence. But also bright, a beginning and a starting point . A light that perhaps brings hope Colors... as with everything a matter of choice.

Re: Creative Writing Activity

8 Years Ago

:)  love me some Blues Music - - -

I enjoyed what you wrote, thanks for always participating Bill !
would be nice if we can get a few more- anyone else willing to try? :)