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Role-Playing Fictional Character.. Part 1

8 Years Ago

I just thought it would be something fun for everyone to do and can help develop your Fictional Character! 

 can't wait to see peoples replies! 

***Remember to add a picture

Part 1: The Basics

1.What is your Fictional Characters name?

2. age?

3.Where and when were you born?

4.Write a full physical description of yourself.  You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.

5. What does your voice sound like?

6.What is your occupation?

7.Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?

Re: Role-Playing Character.. Part 1

8 Years Ago

My fictional character…
His name is Walter Horatio Basset
He’s an alien
He was born several hundred years ago, in earth time that would be 8 years ago, or 56 years in dog time, ( I know it’s confusing).
He was born on Pluto…   Go figure
Physically he’s well…   just look at the picture. He has a bad habit of walking around naked most of the time. Once in a while he likes to wear a hat.
The quirkiest thing is he tends to think he’s a super hero,(which explains the cape I found in his room).
His voice ranges from baritone to bass, depending on the song.
Now the most interesting thing about him is his story.... 
His “mission” to earth was to warn the human race about destroying themselves and if they don’t change their ways there’s going to be a huge invasion of dog like creatures that will spread unconditional love throughout the universe. The only problem is he has partial memory loss from his crash landing, and he doesn’t think the mailmen should be included.

Re: Role-Playing Character.. Part 1

8 Years Ago

Love your awesome story Bill now here is mine :)   

Re: Role-Playing Character.. Part 1

8 Years Ago

They call me - Peeping Tom.
Because I like to check out the chicks in the alley
I was once called the ''The purrpatrator''. when the police pulled me over
boy was I in a ''bad mewd"
I did get in touch with ''Claw Enforcement''. Because I believe in keeping ''Law in Order'' After that, I simply just had enough! That's when I decided I had to move.
So I made myself an igloo
then all the other cats started calling me Eskimew!
So then I packed up my things and moved to kalamazoo bought myself a mice cream cone. (you know I love emoticon
the only cat sound I have is when I hiss and make up wink emoticon that one is for the ladies..hehehehe
Then I ran up a tree because I'm afraid of the bark!
got hungry munched on some Mice Krispies
swallowed a ball of wool then I had mittens...
Hahahahaha ,,Lulz