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A Humorous Kayak Review

8 Years Ago

Hello everyone.  I am new, at the moment.  I have enjoyed reading many entertaining stories by the wonderful writers here and hope to keep reading their and others literary endeavors.

I was researching Kayaks on Amazon.  Checking out all the reviews, good and bad because I have wanted one for years.  This review I found to be entertaining. It is only a part of the review. 

"Good luck getting back into this thing if for some reason you have decided that you need to get out. (you fell out) Getting back into this bad boy looks a lot like something you might see on the national geographic channel. But instead of a romantic encounter between two.... or one consenting animals, its between a full grown man and a plastic boat. To re-enter this shy creature, one must approach it stealthily from the rear as to not arouse suspicion. It will slip away if you are too aggressive. Upon gaining a firm and confident grasp on the rear, the participant must, in one fluid motion, pull his or herself on to the rear then straddle and tuck themselves into the gaping hole on the top all while maintaining perfect balance. I would suggest that you have a few drinks before performing this maneuver so you have a real good excuse as to why it took you so long to perform it correctly."